Whoever Loves You Does Not Look For You Out Of Interest, He Prefers You To Share His Time

Whoever loves you does not look for you out of interest, they prefer you to share their time

Whoever seeks you out of interest, does not deserve you because their true motive is not you but what they want to obtain through you. In his head you are a mere tool, not an end. He will devise a thousand and one ways to achieve it and when he does, you will become one more on his list … when you deserve much more, you deserve true love.

Thus, whoever loves you does not need you, they prefer you. He does not choose you to use you for his benefit, but to share his time with you and open his heart to you. His eyes and his gestures give him away. Because love and sincere feelings are felt, they are felt.

Let’s see what differentiates whoever loves you out of interest from someone who truly loves you out of their affection. 

True love is free from need and interest

When there is love, there is more interest than your own, a shared one. When there is no love left, no need, but the will to conjugate plural verbs. Whoever truly loves you chooses you for how you are and accepts everything about you, both your qualities and your defects, but above all, tries to love the latter.

Because who really cares about you does not care what hours you call or how many times you need his company, he is simply there for you. Because he knows you and he knows that sometimes when you smile, your insides are actually shattered. His only intention will be to help you put it back together.

Friends united by a braid

Whoever feels true love gives you feelings in the form of precious details, without expecting to receive anything in return. It is not moved by interest but by the well-being that draws you smiles and shelter you in hugs. And even when you get angry, try to understand yourself despite believing that sometimes you are not right, because you consider that beyond what happened is your relationship.

Now, whoever is motivated by interest always has a plan in which giving is synonymous with obligatory receiving. He will give you something but in exchange for you to give it to him too. If you don’t, he will remind you by mentioning everything he did for you.

But that is not love, but using others for your own benefit. Because whoever is with you out of interest at heart is a disguised egoist who will sometimes use emotional blackmail to get what he wants. That is why you have to be attentive and always open your eyes: it is the only way not to end up being a slave to their wills and desires.

Who gives you time, gives you life

The most beautiful gift that a person can give you is to share part of their time.  Giving you his minutes, hours and seconds because he is giving you part of his life. And people who love you know a lot about this.

Those untimely coffees, the express visit at work break, a call or a good morning on WhatsApp … are details that reveal the love and appreciation of those who start them up.

Embraced couple who care about how you are

Whoever gives you time is giving you part of his life in exchange for nothing, simply because he wants to, because he prefers it, because you are on his list of priorities and of people to take care of. One minute is enough to let you know that you are important to him or her, even a few seconds will be enough if they are loaded with good feelings, to leave an indelible mark on your heart.

Because whoever really loves you will seek to share time with you. He will be comfortable and calm being part of your moments. However, those who only do it out of interest will think that they are wasting their time, hence it is not always so available.

Stay with those who add, not subtract

Whoever really loves you adds to your life, who only does it out of interest subtracts.  Because whoever always moves for their own benefit has the risk of being left alone at some point.

Hands holding each other out of interest

Life is full of wonderful people and others who have not yet been able to wake up and feel all that love and appreciation for others brings. But in you is the decision to choose with whom to relate. Therefore, do not forget that whoever appreciates you, offers you, does not demand you. It brings you, it does not ask you. It values ​​you, it doesn’t destroy you. Whoever really loves you not only tells you, but also shows it to you. 

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