We Make Many Of Our Decisions Without Realizing It

We make many of our decisions without realizing it

Language influences us in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy, giving us the chance of success or failure when it comes to meeting our expectations. Both what we say and what we do not say, conditions us, language being the most powerful and influential tool in the decisions we make in our lives.

In contrast to what was expected, numerous studies suggest that our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior depend 95% on the thought that occurs unconsciously and only 5% on the conscious part. The conscious part of our mind is fully activated when we do an activity, but interest and intention are formed in the subconscious. That is, in the subconscious we find the emotional mind, one that is carried away by tastes, desires and the heart.

For its part, the unconscious follows patterns that are determined by millenary situations and experiences. This is the part of the mind in charge of pushing us into our comfort zone and away from the displeasures of life. Learning to control our subconscious and unconscious guarantees us a better base when making our decisions.

Most decisions are unconscious

Are we free when we decide? Neuroscience reveals that many decisions are already made by complex brain networks, before the information is made conscious in our brain. There are various aspects that are responsible for shaping our decisions.

woman who thinks about making decisions

On the one hand, when processing the information there is something that happens and leads us to choose one thing or another. This is what leads us to make a conscious decision. But it seems that, before that, unconscious processing occurs in the brain. Something happens that prepares our decision, leads us to it, and influences the way we process what we consciously choose. 

The brain pre-processes all the options unconsciously and in the end, when you make up your mind, is when the conscious mind intervenes. No one denies the existence of conscious decisions, but research shows that the time that the decision remains in consciousness may not be the time that most of the work is done to determine which option to make.

Reprogram the unconscious by changing what we say to ourselves

We use language so inherently that most of us don’t pay adequate attention to it. How many times has it happened to us to do the exact opposite of what we wanted to do?  In many situations we say something to ourselves and do just the opposite, such as when we say to ourselves, “I can’t fail, I can’t fail” and we fail or “I must not do that to that person” and, when we least think about it, we do it. .

The cause of this happening is rooted in the unconscious. The unconscious is the part that is in charge – in an important part – of directing our body, interpreting and storing the information received by our senses.


An essential characteristic of the unconscious is that it works through symbols and images, rather than text or letters. This implies that the unconscious does not process negative terms. If we say to ourselves “I must not eat French fries”, the unconscious will only have the image of French fries and therefore we will feel more like eating. This does not mean that we always fail, but it greatly increases the chances of it happening.

In contrast, the conscious part of our mind is the logical, rational and sequential voice. Sort the information and processes it by classifying it in a way that we can understand it.

Now, what should be noted is that when we say something consciously, it can have effects on our unconscious. This is what we should work on, controlling what we say to ourselves in a rational way influences our most primitive brain, which is responsible for making most of the decisions in our life.

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