Use Your Smile To Change The World

Use your smile to change the world

An anonymous philosopher from ancient Greece said: “Smile at life and life will smile at you.” And it is that sometimes, smiling is the best way to contribute to change our world. The smile modulates the way we take things, making us more flexible and strong in the face of the most difficult situations in life.

A person who dresses with a smile, optimistic and happy, is less likely to suffer from diseases and to achieve greater longevity. Contrasting studies have shown that people who have an emotional stability characterized by positive feelings, enthusiasm, vitality, hope, understanding, improvement, and a significant degree of satisfaction in their life enjoy stronger health.

Smiling  at life is not characteristic of someone with a superficial lifestyle, but intelligent. In fact, optimists’ ability to solve problems stands out against pessimists, who drown in a glass of water and tend to ignore and evade them. In this way, we can speak of the smile as a trait that acts as a protective shield against numerous complicated situations.

Coffee with smile

A drug called a smile

The smile is a specifically human characteristic, like laughter (whose nature is fundamentally psychological). This behavior has a very beneficial capacity for action on the global state of people, even with regard to its physiological dimensions. Therefore, it can be understood as a true therapeutic practice, on which there are numerous studies and scientifically documented results.

The presence of humor and its companion, the smile, are beneficial for the good state of the body and, even more important, for the psychic well-being. Among the benefits are:

  • Teach people to be more humble.
  • It helps to relate to others in a more relaxed way, distancing ourselves from excessive individualism.
  • Eliminate the fear of ridicule.
  • It helps to relativize reality by looking for different perspectives of everything that makes existence more complicated.
  • It favors finding solutions to the problems of everyday life.
  • It encourages adaptation to change.
  • It serves to reduce the feeling of frustration caused by the perception of our own limitations.
  • It allows us to defend ourselves against a criticism or an offense that challenges our emotional balance.
  • It helps prevent conflicts, acting as a cushion to receive the invasion of negative situations.
Woman with a flower representing simplicity

Life is like a mirror, we get better results when we smile

Sometimes joy is the source of our smile. But at other times, smiling when we feel bad can improve our mood. We often underestimate the power of such small things, when gestures like a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or an honest compliment have the potential to change a life.

Think how much better this world would be if people smiled more often. No need to talk, no need to agree on anything, all we have to do is smile! Smiling breaks down barriers, relieves tension, and is the first step in making a new friend.

Smiling makes us feel better about ourselves, even if we don’t feel like it. What the sun is to the flowers, the smile is to humanity. For all this and much more, smile, it is free therapy.

Although smiling is not the only remedy for negative moods, it is one of the most powerful. So the next time you notice that you are “down” and that everything is going wrong, why not try to  face the world with a smile? After all, the worst that can happen is that you stay exactly the same, but the possible benefits of doing so are almost unimaginable.

Therefore, whenever you think you need it, use your smile as if it were your best weapon. Because it is.

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