The Power Of The Mind In Health

The power of the mind in health

Our mind is the manager of the functioning of all our internal mechanisms, that is, of the functioning of our organs, even the most automatic and instinctive. For this reason, if in it resides the ability to direct, manage, coordinate and make our entire body work, it has a lot to do for our health.


The two minds

We could say that we have “two minds”, the “conscious”, rational and analytical, and the other, we call “subconscious”.

Human mind

This is why sometimes we want to be well, but it seems that our desire does not correspond to our inner state, and on the contrary, we begin to feel bad, seeming that we have no control over our mind, our thoughts or our body.

While the conscious mind wants everything to go well, in the subconscious mind, however, all the alert, fear and reaction systems are activated that make us feel out of control and failures before the initial purpose that everything goes well.

Strong emotional experiences are stored in the subconscious mind, and these activate memories, emotions, blocks and interferences in situations that remind us of previous or traumatic experiences, even though we are not aware of it.

When we live emotionally intense experiences, our subconscious will recognize other situations related to those as dangerous, and will activate all alert systems, feeling overwhelmed, generating discomfort and suffering, even though in the present the situation is not really dangerous.

Wellness health

From our minds, we have the ability to generate well-being or discomfort, even if we are not aware that we are doing it. Health is a state in which we will feel good, both physically and psychologically.

And feeling good depends on how our mind manages and copes with life and the circumstances that it offers us, in the most effective way possible.

Mental programming

Man thinking

Our minds are programming themselves, with messages that we receive since childhood, as well as those that we say to ourselves throughout life.

And our discomfort or well-being depends on this programming, since we have learned to react and feel in a certain way to certain situations in life and relationships.


Mental reprogramming

To generate a change, it is necessary to “reprogram our mind”, or what is the same, discover the way to generate attitudes, symptoms, evolution, thoughts and feelings of well-being.

This is possible through psychological therapy, with cognitive restructuring techniques or with hypnosis, among others, where the person discovers the wrong programming in their subconscious mind, which generates discomfort and illness.

If the mind has the power to direct the functioning of our body, it is obvious that it can do it correctly and generate health, if we learn to do it. To do this, it is important to discover where the subconscious part generates emotional blocks and unblock them to allow emotions, attitudes and healing thoughts to flow.

The power of the mind to generate health

Mind of a girl thinking positive

Taking charge of our health means entering the mental domains.  Since the subconscious mind is not accessible in an easy way, it is important to use the access that the conscious, logical and analytical mind allows us , at the same time that we observe the emotions that emerge in the process.

To begin, it is important that communication with ourselves is through positive and realistic messages with our present capacities:

  • “I can get it”
  • “I know how to do it”
  • “I will heal”
  • “My body knows how to restore balance”

And in a conscious, logical, rational and intentional way these messages will guide our minds towards the path of well-being, at the same time that they will give us back the power we have to direct our mind, discovering and reminding us of the internal capacities to return to the balance of health .

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