The Love Story

The love story

Sometimes love is not what we believe, it is not a I need you, but rather it is a I prefer you. It is that personal and own force that only has meaning for two. Therefore, on those nights when we remember him, we must bear in mind that keeping him alive is a very difficult task that depends largely on what we demand of him.

Idealized love, the love that we have learned to admire is that of Disney movies, that of soap operas, that of Romeo and Juliet, that of dying for you and you for me. But the reality is that we must not die for love, we must live loving, loving ourselves. Loving who we are when we feel love, when we love each other and are loved, without excuses, without chains, without handcuffs and, above all, without haste …

What is love?

We have learned to praise “once upon a time” love without realizing that it is uneven and that it does not do justice to reality. It is precisely living in this error that makes us feel frustrated and throw away at the first change the feelings that have cost us so much to forge.

Couple embracing with love

The story that we bring you today faithfully reflects this. No, it is not a bed of roses, for love you also cry, you also fight and you also die. Wanting and loving also disappoints and generates tides and shipwrecks on the high seas. But, just as love is not just absolute happiness, it is not all that we consider love.

“I will mold you,” said the ax to the piece of iron as it descended with all its force on one of its sides. But with each blow he gave it, it lost its edge, until after a while that tool could not take it anymore, it had become completely obtuse.

“Leave it to me,” said the handsaw as he sank his teeth into the piece of iron, which disappeared one by one.

“I’ll take care of modeling it,” the hammer uttered arrogantly, while mocking his teammates who had failed. But after several blows the handle broke off and his head fell off.

“May I try?” A small llama humbly inquired. The three of them laughed out loud, but allowed it because they were convinced that he was also going to fail. However, that little flame covered the piece of iron; she didn’t let go of him, she hugged him and hugged him until he was soft and gave him the shape he wanted. That little flame accomplished what the other three powerful tools couldn’t.

Love conquers all

Couple embracing with love

There are hearts in the world so hard that they can withstand the blows of anger, the teeth of anger, and the blows of pride and rejection. But no matter how severe a person’s heart may be, it will not be able to withstand the onslaught of love; because love is the most powerful force in this world.

Sometimes on our way we find hearts forged of iron in the cold heat of battle that need the softness of love to achieve fullness. It is in these moments that our erroneous learnings about what love is can destroy it.

But I have to say that looking for your better half is an impossible or complicated task, because there are no half oranges in the world. If you undertake that search you will only find frustration and pain. Throughout the world there are whole oranges, oranges that roll on their own and occasionally collide and roll together.

Love is an art

Love is an art that needs to be understood. It is an art and as art it is not measured by time, it is not a date and it is not just two bodies. It is the universal office that provides its services to all humanity, it  is the child that we all carry within and we must learn to care and try not to destroy the part that keeps us alive even when we are on fire.

Love, as an art, can be practiced. Or rather, liberated. Buddhist teachers affirm that our natural state is love, a love that seeks for the good of others. A love that wishes the happiness of all beings without distinction. Love, according to Buddhism, is one of the few things that grows when it is shared. Giving love generates love. The love is infinite.

From Buddhism, love can range from a smile to a few words of encouragement, and even a little scolding to correct negative behavior. Love is everything that provides happiness to all beings but, above all, that also endows them with the tools so that they can be so for themselves. So, if we really want to give love, it is time to wish all beings well.

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