The Influence Of Feelings On The Heart

The influence of feelings on our physiology, and specifically on our heart, is a topic that has transcended romantic literature to be studied by science. Thus, today we ask ourselves what science can tell us in this regard.
The influence of feelings on the heart

Symbolically, the heart is the organ of feelings, partly because they correspond to the heartbeat of life. Physiologically, this is far from the case; However, it is no less true that the management of our emotions can indirectly influence the health of our circulatory system and, by intention, its central organ: the heart.

Throughout life, traumatic circumstances can occur, where the individual faces a really worrying degree of stress. Thus, all the experiences that generate a high degree of frustration and suffering affect the quality of life of the individual directly.

The New York Times analyzes the influence of feelings on the heart

The New York Times, in its article  The Effect of Emotions on the Heart , asserts that this organ is, at the same time, a relatively simple biological machine and a vital organ with an enormous symbolic charge. It is the literary setting for romance, sadness, fear, or courage.

Woman making a heart with her hands

In Western culture it has a high degree of importance, since it is considered a kind of crystalline surface on which love is reflected and nurtured . Likewise, in the publication of the New York newspaper it is stated that stress and hopelessness can significantly affect health. It clarifies that the highest stress points make the heart suffer, increasing its pulsations and increasing tension, when the rest of the body is not going to accompany it (contrary to what happens when we exercise).

Studies confirm the influence of feelings on the heart

Josep M. Caralps, the first cardiac surgeon to perform a heart transplant in Spain in 1984, has raised the idea that perhaps the heart is likely to generate its own feelings and emotions, the brain being the transmitter. This has convulsed the medical community, who still have no evidence in this regard.

In this way, Josep affirms that many of his transplant patients have had new feelings towards new practices that they had never done before . The cardiology specialist assures that all this is due to the heart transplant, which evokes his old body. However, many colleagues are reluctant to his statements, since they consider that they do not have sufficient scientific support.

Hand holding a red heart

Broken Heart Syndrome

The broken hearts syndrome is the consequence of a very deep sadness. A sadness that happens to condition the functioning of the Nervous System (SN) and, by extension, of the rest of the organs. So, can a heart be broken because of great sorrow? The truth is that it is easier for it to be produced in a literary way than literally; however, chronic (sustained over time) and intense negative emotions can compromise the functioning of the Circulatory System.

In addition, it is valid to affirm that you can die from lack of love. The negative feelings derived from the perceived absence of love, as well as from other sources of negative emotions, can directly affect the number and quality of our body’s defenses. This is perhaps one of the most powerful reasons demanding the attention of our emotional sphere.

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