The Emotional Healing My Dog ​​gave Me

Many of us are tired of empty words. From looks that seek to hide a feeling instead of struggling to express it in a gush. We are tired of advice, reprimands, criticism, numbered kisses and regulatory hugs.

In this society, we try to relate to each other in the best way, we learn a lot from relationships but we have forgotten to show unconditional affection. To show passion and loyalty without caring about each other’s past. We have forgotten that the only way to love is to open our hearts as if we have never been hurt.

If you give a heart with fear you can receive the same. That is why some of us continue to melt at the gaze of a dog. Our eyes continue to wet and our chests shrink with emotion, remembering some of these hairy angels that accompanied us for some time but are no longer there.

There are so many moments and all so good and pure that dogs have given me that the only thing I can think of is that we thank them and vindicate their passage through the world. For many of us, dogs are pure souls that do not need to speak because their signs of loyalty and infinite affection are the most beautiful language that many of us have never understood.

If you think you’ve hit rock bottom and you have a dog, you don’t have one hope left, you have the best

The moment we adopt, give us or buy a dog, we assume a commitment and a responsibility. But there is nothing to fear, because cleaning, feeding and caring for them will be a negligible effort in exchange for all the kindness that they give us. Some time ago I read this anonymous story that I want to share with you and that perfectly sums up the reason for his existence and his example in us:

This account simplifies the truth between dogs and humans. We both come into the world endowed with feelings and with the desire to be happy. Dogs practice love without limits and do not hold a grudge. They only zoom in or out as you treat them. People, however, learn endless knowledge to save our feelings for different reasons.

Some say that dogs have no soul, others that they do not understand, that they are just “animals.” However, we seem to understand everything and sometimes we act without soul, without compassion and without understanding. So do not listen to those who say that they are stupid animals and that they will never be able to give you the affection you need, that the affection of a dog can never be compared to that given to you by a person.

By this we do not mean that people are not capable of giving love. We do very well when we want to, but a dog will always give you love, and his anger or bad manners will never cause you psychological suffering.

If you are going through a bad time, sit down and let a dog look at you and pet him. You may not be able to have him in your home but you can seek his company by helping in any animal shelter. You will be giving help and you will receive the purest therapy that many of us have already tried.

I hope my dog ​​had a good life, mine was better with him

When you remember moments shared with your dog, you only feel calm and longing. You could be going through a thousand dramas in your life that he would never lower his guard to lick you and look at you with loyalty. Those memories are the purest of the heart and the healing of their company is a treasure that you will always keep with you.

There are situations in which words are unnecessary: ​​it is only about contemplating, accompanying and caressing. Pure Love. Unconditional love. True love. 

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