The Destructive Power Of Understatement

The destructive power of understatement


Think about it for a moment, how many “no” have you encountered throughout your life? Surely, some will have hurt you more than others, but if you are a brave person, each of them will have been nothing more than a wall to collapse to reach your destination.

It is also possible that many of those around you have underestimated you. Generally, it is a very common practice that is done without little evidence, and even so, despite knowing it, they are behaviors that hurt us and even convince us that perhaps we are not truly capable of certain things.

In our day-to-day lives, we not only have to understand what others do of us, but we also have to be aware that we also underestimate ourselves, and few things can become more destructive. 


Humility and understatement


Many of us have been educated in the healthy value of humility, in knowing how to appreciate the importance of simple things, in being grateful, in not bragging about our successes. Although it must be taken into account that sometimes, this educational principle can be taken to extremes that are no longer so positive.

There are those who think that humility is limited to silencing our virtues for the good of others. In giving in, in being simple and hiding our “ego” above all else. It is curious to see today many people who have hidden their talents or their successes because of this iron value in their education, limiting their personal growth by underestimating themselves.

Thinking that one can go further than others may perhaps stumble upon the idea that “we are boasting too much of ourselves.” If we put our wishes aloud, we may find ourselves with the limits that others put on us when judging that perhaps we are too proud to aspire to such “excessive” peaks.

But… And why not give it a try? Sometimes, it is not fully understood that humility also means knowing our own limits and being aware of where we are, what we have and also what we aspire to. And  no one, absolutely no one, has the right to set limits and clip our wings.

If they don’t listen to you, don’t talk to them. If they don’t believe in you, focus all your energies to believe in yourself. Acting in this way is not being proud or arrogant, at all, it is simply being a person of integrity with your own ideas.


Most common ways we practice understatement


It is important that you keep these simple aspects in mind to understand when you are underestimating yourself. You will probably realize that these are things that we have all done at some point, so take it into account and think about it:

-Prioritize the opinion of others before 

It’s a risk. If you value what your family, your friends or your partner says before your own ideas and feelings, it will undoubtedly be a clear sign of personal underestimation that you will have to face. Do not always seek to please them, be complacent or not contradict them, feel your own values ​​and act according to them.

-Don’t compare yourself to anyone

You are you, what others have done or achieved falls outside your personal sphere. It does not matter and should not serve as a guide. It is you who you must listen to and attend to in order to offer yourself greater support and strengthen your self-esteem.

-Who do you relate to? What are the people around you like?

Stop and think for a moment how you feel about your social circle. They support you? Do they hear you? Always develop healthy relationships that allow you to be yourself, that offer you a good quality of life and that strengthen your growth as a person.

-You are your own priority

Prioritizing yourself in your life is not being selfish. If you are not happy in these moments, you will hardly be able to offer the best of yourself to other people. Frustration, dissatisfaction, are dimensions that reduce our self-esteem, that fill us with negative emotions … Aspects that will clearly affect all our relationships.

Value yourself as you deserve avoiding all kinds of personal underestimation, because if you don’t start believing in yourself nobody will. Let the light shine around you, show your strength and talents, climb the peaks and touch the stars if you really want to. No one should stop you.

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