Stress And Gastritis, What Is Their Relationship?

Stress and gastritis, what is their relationship?

Stress and gastritis are two words that often go hand in hand. Difficult emotional states are extremely easy for the digestive system. Each person experiences the effect differently, but in all cases there is affectation.

When there is stress and gastritis it is necessary to seek medical help. The problem is that many people don’t even notice it. Symptoms are not always visible when you are stressed. Sometimes you perceive it simply as a dull and not very intense anguish. However, by continually experiencing it, it affects your stomach.

The body and the mind do not function separately. What happens in one of these dimensions affects the other. The digestive system is one of those that most captures and projects that relationship between the inner and outer world. That is why it manifests with special ease those tensions that are related to difficulties in the environment.

Stress and gastritis: symptoms

Gastritis is the continuous, stabbing pain experienced in the upper part of the stomach. It is usually produced by a series of bacteria that alter the intestinal flora, thus hindering the digestive processes. Now, there is a variant of gastritis that is produced by anxiety, stress or overwhelm that a certain situation produces.

Thus, if there is stress and gastritis at the same time, there are some signs that announce it. It is important to be attentive to these symptoms to act in time. In these cases, delays could lead to more severe problems.

digestive system suffering from stress and gastritis

Among  the main symptoms of stress and gastritis are :

  • Acidity stomach. It is the return of stomach acid, from the esophagus to the stomach. It is one of the first symptoms that indicate the existence of stress and gastritis
  • Stomachache. Frequent pains appear in the stomach. These are increasing in frequency and intensity
  • Swelling and nausea. The stomach becomes inflamed, producing a “drum” effect on it. That is, it feels warm and inflated. Sometimes there is also vomiting
  • Pain in the neck and shoulders. These are signs that there is a high dose of stress. Muscles in that area become tense and occasionally there is pain
  • Skin problems and hair loss. They are also signs of very strong stress. The most common is that acne appears, but also rashes and other similar difficulties
  • Sadness and nervousness. These are symptoms of both stress and gastritis. The mood is no longer the same. The person feels listless and distressed for no reason
  • Sleep problems and irritability. As in the previous case, they occur when there is stress and gastritis, or one of those two conditions that, in some way, always leads to the other

Eating disorders are common as well. The person eats too much or stops eating. In both cases, this causes digestive disorders. The stomach begins to take center stage in daily worries.

Nervous gastritis

When there is stress and gastritis at the same time, we speak of a “nervous gastritis”. Either way, this should always be diagnosed by a doctor. It is not convenient to jump to conclusions. If you take care of yourself in your diet and your stomach still causes you frequent discomfort, it is time to consult a health professional.

papaya for stress and gastritis

The treatment of nervous gastritis is similar to that of other types of gastritis. The difference is that the psychological component must also be addressed. From the physical point of view, the indicated thing is to eat a healthy diet. Also get enough rest, which means at least seven hours of sleep a day. Eat low-fat foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids.

From an emotional point of view, it is appropriate to go to therapy, first. This allows you to identify what the real cause of concern is. Sometimes it is simply a one-off problem that has not been identified. At other times the issue is deeper and manages to emerge when there is a good psychological intervention.

It is highly advisable to exercise and work relaxation techniques. These measures help both the physical part and the emotional world. They are practices that help regulate digestion and relax muscles. Likewise, they oxygenate the brain and allow to find a greater psychological balance.

The important thing is that these measures are taken on time. When you wait too long, the disease can become chronic and unleash a myriad of consequences.

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