See A Psychologist

Go to a psychologist

Let’s not fool ourselves. Making the decision to see a psychologist is not as simple as paying the electricity bill. Yes. In theory, we are in times of open-mindedness and freedom from prejudice. But when it comes to time, there is no such. “So-and-so goes to the psychologist,” some say in low voices. Since then, “so and so” will be the target of charitable or suspicious glances. “It goes for lazy. I solve my own problems alone ”, someone will say. “Poor thing!”, Others will point out. “I had noticed something strange about him …”, the most distrustful will think.

In conclusion, the number of people who have a real dislike for psychologists is not negligible. Many think that these are apprentice sorcerers who give you obvious advice and charge you for wasting time with you. They say they sell air so you can learn that water is wet.

When should you go to a psychologist?

It is difficult to separate yourself from the gaze of others and make the autonomous decision to go to a psychologist. It is usually done during a strong crisis, when you realize that if you don’t do something, you sink. You don’t have to wait until you’re in dire straits to make a healthy decision to ask for help.

Woman feeling bad

These are some of the conditions that make psychological intervention necessary in your life:

  • When you feel like you’ve lost hope.
  • When you suffer and cannot identify a specific why.
  • When conflict, or aggression, or dependency are the foundation of your relationship with others, even if you think that they are the ones who generate the problem.
  • When anguish and unspecific fear are your daily bread.
  • When your favorite expression is: “I’m fed up.”

In fact, if you have crossed your mind to consult a psychologist, just do it. So do not see what happens to you serious. The worst thing that can happen to you is living a new experience that may or may not be what you are looking for.

What you should keep in mind

A psychologist is not a new best friend. This is a professional trained to help you reorganize your ideas and your feelings, so that you suffer less and have a more harmonious life.

The result of a psychological intervention is not full happiness. What a health professional can do for you is provide you with tools to address your problems and conflicts with greater assertiveness. This will obviously improve your quality of life, but it will not immunize you against suffering or confusion.

Not all psychologists are the same. There are more managers, who build with you specific solutions for the matter that led you to consultation and opt for a brief therapy. Others will seek to go a little further and will not only work on the problem that afflicts you here and now, but will delve into the context of your life. Some more will lead you to search for the unconscious forces that operate in the depths of your being, in the framework of a long process.

Woman at the psychologist

Something that may seem unpleasant to you is the issue of time and money. It is not easy to get used to undressing your wounded heart before someone who at any moment tells you “Their time is up” and then charges you. At first it makes you want to cry. Over time, you understand that much of your cure depends on these two factors: setting a time for therapy and being free of ties with the psychologist by paying him for his work.

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