Relax And Life Will Be Beautiful Again

Living trying to achieve perfection assures you of suffering. Relax, be flexible and learn to flow with life.
Relax and life will be beautiful again

Have you ever felt like you were experiencing a rough patch in your life? Seasons in which it seems that nothing is happening as it should, that everything turns out the other way around. Times when we feel both stressed and failed, it is as if success eludes us, as if the universe is laughing at us. Relax, we are going to tell you why this happens.

The harder we try at work, the more mistakes we make. Or, if we are unemployed, the more intention we put into finding a job, the more obstacles arise around us. In the same way, as much as we try to improve our relationship, misunderstandings appear one after another. Or, if we are single, we receive more rejection or indifference from those with whom we try to bond.

These paradoxical situations are not the product of bad luck. No one has cast an evil eye on us and the planets have not aligned to move us away from our goals. What happens is that we are so focused on achieving success that the pressure suffocates us. Relax, you are in life to be happy, not to be perfect.

Resistance causes suffering

You want your life to be beautiful. But you want it with such anxiety, with such desperation that each step you take takes you further away from your goal. Somehow you have come to believe that in order to have a fulfilling existence you need everything to go according to your plan. A detailed and specific roadmap, full of objectives that have been imposed on you from outside.

Young woman looking back

You feel that to be well you have to have a successful and highly paid job. An outgoing, sociable and charismatic personality. A close and perfect family and an intense and interesting social life. If you think about it carefully, you will probably find that many of these goals do not even belong to you. That they are not something that you really want but something that society has told you that you need to be valid.

But what is even more important, if you think about it, you will understand that it is not in your hands that everything happens. Or, at least, that it happens when and in the way you want it to. Not everything can always be perfect, life is not perfect, and that’s okay. 

In some moments you will make mistakes in your work. Sometimes your partner will act differently than you expected. On certain days you will say or do something that you will not be proud of later. And nothing happens. A bad time does not mean a bad day, and a bad day does not mean a bad life. 

You are not a clumsy or despicable person for making a mistake. You are not worth less for being single or unemployed at any given time. And it’s not a catastrophe that things don’t turn out the way you expected.

Relax, life is beautiful

Smiling woman enjoying life

Let go of control, let go of the need to plan everything to the millimeter and see your predictions fulfilled to the letter. Life is changeable and variable, it flows with it. Accepting is not resigning or conforming, it is learning to be happy with each moment as it arrives. It is understanding that you can enjoy fullness even if not everything is perfect.

There is nothing that causes more suffering than a rigid mind, unable to adapt to circumstances. Maintaining unshakable expectations ensures disappointment. Demanding yourself and others to unattainable standards is a safe bet for unhappiness.

Just relax. Work hard, but don’t beat yourself up trying to achieve excellence. Also learn to enjoy leisure, calm, time alone and the company of your loved ones.

Love, but do not give yourself the skin trying to mold your relationships to your expectations. Don’t try to dominate, control or change the other. Do not force the bonds, accept them and enjoy them as they are, with their lights and shadows.

Dream, set goals and walk towards them every day. But do it with enthusiasm and not with the despair that you lack today. If you swim against the current, life will seem like a gray, confusing, painful and uncontrollable experience. If you relax you will discover that you can be happy without being in control. Nothing for life, float in its currents and enjoy the journey.

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