Motivation Without Barriers According To Wayne Dyer

Motivation without barriers according to Wayne Dyer

How many times have you heard beautiful and bombastic phrases that perhaps in your mind did not mean anything? However, there are truly famous and committed authors who did make their words mean something important to millions of people. We are talking about Dr. Wayne Dyer, popularly known as the father of barrier-free motivation.

Dyer was the author of quotes as successful as “being aware of routine is taking the first step to change it. Thanks to this and other phrases, he stimulated the reflection of many people who listened to him. That is why I think it is worth knowing a little better the figure of this psychotherapist.

Who was Wayne W. Dyer?

Wayne Dyer believed deeply in motivation without barriers. That’s why his own fans dubbed him fondly “the father of motivation.” This is how he made a name for himself in self-empowerment theories.

Wayne dyer

Dyer was born in Detroit and had a really rough childhood. After living in various foster homes and orphanages, he managed to get out of that negative cadence. Eventually, he received his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees in psychology from Wayne and Michigan Universities.

Subsequently, he has been a teacher at various levels, from the most basic with children to university. However, his great fame comes to him through literature. One of his most famous books, “Your wrong zones”, is the one that makes him known to the general public.

Following the publication of “Your Wrong Zones” in 1976, Dyer released more than 40 works on motivation, self-help, and personal empowerment. He appears on various radio and television shows and became a motivational guru and avid lecturer until his death from leukemia in 2015.

Wayne Dyer and motivation without barriers

From a very young age, Wayne Dyer has been interested in the motivation and capacities of the human being. That is why he began early to study Abraham Maslow. From his teachings, he considers that humanistic psychology should be a fourth paradigm, after psychoanalysis, behavioral psychology and cognitive psychology.

Dyer demonstrates from his earliest works his firm belief in the ability of human beings to transcend themselves. Thus, what others consider to be “normality” is the opposite for him. We must be extraordinary.

Woman with hands up

In other words, Dyer believed that human beings should not have limits, at least in their minds. To develop their full potential, a human being has to aspire to the extraordinary. In this sense, we should not set limits when reality is already in charge of playing this role.

On the other hand, the psychotherapist did not believe in other theories that spoke of normalizing the extraordinary in other contexts. He did not think, for example, that normalizing severe disease could help the patient. Thus he believed, putting the two thoughts together, that what is out of the rule should be seen as such -the cure or improvement of the serious illness-, and even aspire to it if it is positive.

That is why Dyer, the father of his own theory of barrier-free motivation, believed that our real goal  is to live life with total joy, without having to mistreat anyone. For this we have to perform all kinds of tasks that improve this world, both for ourselves and for all the creatures that live in it. Furthermore, we must think about who will be left when we are gone, in what inheritance we will leave them.

The Extraordinary Life of Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer defended the ability of the human being to enjoy an extraordinary life. Therefore, it was proposed as a purpose to get people to reach this term. Thus, he considered that his objective was to get each man and woman to see themselves and be able to change their concepts.

For Dyer, humans are not the product of race, religion, or being born here or there. For this psychotherapist, each person was and is an eternal spirit. On the other hand, he condemned the damage caused by the labels we use and claimed our ability to transform the world.

In fact, Dyer believed so much in the eternity of the human spirit that, shortly before he died, he said he was eager to begin the new path that lay before him. That is, for this borderless motivator, death was nothing more than a new transformation that would lead to a new beginning.

Little girl painting on a blackboard

Today, after Wayne Dyer’s theories of motivation without barriers, we can more or less agree with him. However, there is no doubt that through his words and his work, he not only changed his life, but that of many people who listened to him. It is true that this man had an extraordinary life.

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