Influencers: 5 Characteristics

Influencers: 5 characteristics

With new technologies, communication has multiplied its channels. We can convey what we want to say in different ways. At first we did it only through messages, now we can even express our gestures through elaborate emoticons. An unbeatable way of showing what we feel when we do not have the person close or we do not dare to do it face to face.

Thus, with this new way of communicating, there are also ways to capture the attention of others. One of them is digital marketing: through different advertising strategies it tries to get potential consumers to acquire the products that companies intend to sell. Thus, through communication through social networks, companies act by advertising.

Now, a new way of reaching the masses has emerged today: influencers. This method is used by agencies in the digital world to promote their products, but they can also convey messages of motivation and personal development, or simply to show life experiences.

Influencers are creative

Influencers are usually creative people, original for something. With their ingenuity they manage to capture our attention. Thus they accumulate followers and followers who want to know everything they do. Through videos, photos and comments they capture our interest, because they show us great ideas in an original way.

Thus, influencers in many cases become very powerful speakers for certain ideas and interests. They take care of what they say, but above all how they say it. They know that their audience will seek to recognize them in their way of expressing themselves, the one that makes them so characteristic.

Boy watching an influencer on the mobile

Creativity in influencers is as important as their intelligence to adapt to their current and potential audience. Ultimately, what they seek is to generate more and more communication, so that the public does not disconnect from their activity.

Trust: an indispensable characteristic of influencers

Many influencers enjoy the trust of their followers. This is something that the companies that hire them to promote their products know very well. They count on their followers to follow the path and recommendations of the influencer, even being aware that their message is motivated by a commercial interest. In this sense, what many influencers say in order not to lose credibility due to the signed contracts is that they only recommend those products that they liked.

It’s funny, but we work like that. We tend, for example, to give greater credibility to people who have been successful or who we consider beautiful. In addition, the opposite happens just the opposite. Finally, note that the number of followers that an influencer may have reinforces these followers to practice their recommendations, including consumer recommendations. It is very easy to think:  “if so many people follow him, it will be that what he says is right or true”.


Influencers are assertive because they know their rights and those of others, and they transmit information taking these principles into account (or at least they project this trait on their image). Assertiveness allows them to communicate what they want in an effective way, so effective, that followers end up following their advice. This quality favors them and they take care of it because:

  • It makes them feel empowered.
  • Increase your sense of well-being.
  • Improve communication.
  • It makes it easier for them to control the environment.
  • Improve relationships with your followers.

Assertiveness, that appearance of freedom and strength in the face of possible conditioning factors, is one of the qualities that most distinguishes them. Let’s think, who would follow someone who they think only says what others say? Thus, independence of criteria and opinion, manifested through assertiveness, is one of the qualities attributed to influencers.


And the image that influencers project is also included that of responsibility. A responsibility that goes hand in hand with commitment and identification with the message. Followers often think that the influencer is fully aware of everything he says and that he says it because he is not going to harm anyone who does not deserve it.

On the other hand, responsibility also often shines on influencers not only as an element of their image, but also in the form of organization and commitment. Just as they have an audience that follows them, a sense of debt to this audience tends to grow in them. They tend to be aware that the income they earn derives precisely from their viewers

Girl checking likes


Influencers have a facility, either natural or achieved with work, to relate.  Thus, companies want their followers as consumers, but also their ability to network to keep those that exist and win new ones.

Sociability helps them:

  • Get more followers. Because they have a great facility to relate to others.
  • Be empathetic. Most influencers are able to connect with others, and put themselves in their shoes.

All these qualities allow them to generate bonds with the other.  In this sense, they are usually very skilled at understanding cultural patterns and interpreting current events, as well as the needs of their followers.

Being an influencer is not an easy task. It takes time, effort and dedication. In addition to a gradual process in which to gain the trust and interest of those who are, in principle, a potential audience. In this sense, if getting there is complicated, staying is still much more. In fact, there are many who cannot stand this pressure and end up trying to escape the notoriety they have sought so much. It is a “profession” that does not stop having, behind the scenes in which the actors move, a dark dressing room full of ghosts with whom you have to know how to deal.

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