In Safe Hands, A Film About Adoption

In good hands it surprises both for the story and for the content. Describes, with closeness and affection, the great work that professionals who are involved in an adoption process do to make it successful.
In safe hands, a movie about adoption

In Good Hands is a film that addresses the adoption process in all its stages. With a close and neutral look, describe the work of the professionals who make the adoption process possible, and the importance of details in this process .

The film shows us, from the very beginning, how the adoptive process takes place, even before birth. This process goes through different stages, with central protagonists in each one, without forgetting the main protagonist, Theo . These key figures in the adoption process are:

  • The professionals . The film exposes the care with which adoption is treated in our system even before the child is born. In this context, it shows us the need for understanding between the biological mother – the baby carrier – and the social worker. Due to the multidisciplinary work, it returns to make contact, in later stages, with caregivers, educators, child psychologists or those who carry out the evaluation of the parents. In this way, the actions of different good hands are intermeshed, aimed at making the best decision.
  • The mother / father.  The best parents for the child are not necessarily those who absolutely meet the requirements, such as a purchasing power or who is not a single parent family . In this case, the film shows us a struggling mother – who has been waiting for adoption for 10 years – as a candidate.
  • The child. The film clearly shows us the subtlety that the psychological evolution of the child requires while waiting for the maternal figure. This wait is also evaluated by professionals of psychology.

The new family models

In good hands it raises a better society thanks to the new family models. The new family models, as in the case of the film, reaffirm ethical practice – or good hands – in their desire to be parents. Ethical priority, in contrast to what is supposed to be met, is constantly being addressed in different parts.   Thus, we see a caregiver who delivered by the child more than another female figure.

The adoption process is structured in a series of steps due to the importance it has in the lives of the people involved. The details to take care of are so many and so important that from the ignorance it can seem unjustifiably long or suspicious. What is intended is that the cases that reach the end have the best options so that the adoption is a success in the long run.

A success for the system, but especially for parents and adopted children. In this sense, the ending reminds us of the importance of the emotional and psychological bond, in addition to the fact that the priority will always be the happiness of the child.

The film’s neutral gaze projects an objectivity similar to what a documentary can offer us. Both the legal and the psychological aspects would not be understood without a social framework that is captured very well in the video, with a close look that is reminiscent of reality cinema or cinéma verité. 


In Good Hands is a realistic film, which does justice to the work of all the professionals who make the adoption process possible, as well as the high success rate that we have. Not only does it convey to us the vital importance that a child is in good hands by his mother, but also by society.

In this case, the professionals make it possible for the final decision to be in good hands . From different points of view –caregivers, psychologists and social workers-, the film shows us their good work, their involvement and the determining influence that this has on the adoption process.

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