I Like People Who Vibrate

I like people who vibrate

I want to surround myself with people who vibrate, who are alive, who transmit their enthusiasm, who hug me with their words and smile at me with their gestures of love and affection.

I want that vibration to infect me and be transmitted to everyone around me, to vibrate my life, my heart, my skin. I want people who believe in themselves and who believe in me and my dreams, who fight to improve themselves every day, who vibrate and make me vibrate.

5 things people do that vibrate

1. They make mistakes

Making mistakes is human, but you need to learn from them. We will stumble a thousand times and each time it will be a learning that brings us new points of view, new ways of thinking.

2. They don’t surround themselves with toxic people.

There are people who absorb your energy, who seek you out because they know that you are an optimistic and positive person and they slowly appropriate your good thoughts.

Happy smiling girlfriends

We feel it and sometimes it takes an effort to unchain ourselves from those people who impose their yoke on us disguised as good intentions. But a person who vibrates, who is positive and optimistic, does not accept someone in his life who sees everything wrong and does nothing to overcome it, a person who spends his time criticizing others.

3. They don’t see problems as problems

The problems seen by people who vibrate are opportunities. If I lose my job, I will have the opportunity to do new things and meet new people. If my partner leaves me, I will be able to enjoy solitude and discover myself.

When a loved one dies, I will have the opportunity to appreciate how important it is to value the time we spend with the people we love.

4. Do not allow yourself to be invaded by fear

Fear is one of the monsters that haunts us the most. We are afraid of change, of being who we really want to be, of what others say or the consequences of our actions.

Fear prevents us from living a full and happy existence. Fear is a behavior that we can feel when faced with real danger, but when it is an imaginary danger, we must continue step by step overcoming our fears, with prudence, but without neglecting our objective.

We will make mistakes but we should not be afraid of those mistakes, it is simply a matter of taking that teaching that each mistake gives us and incorporating it into our lives.

5. They don’t compare themselves to others

People who vibrate and are positive, know that each person is different and evolves in their life differently, therefore, they never compare themselves with others.

A person who vibrates trusts in his abilities and knows his defects, does not focus on what others are doing, does not criticize or evaluate them, he simply focuses on how to improve his own life and be better every day.

Friends lying enjoying

How to get away from people who don’t vibrate

Study how you are

Faced with life situations, how do you think you act? In a positive or negative way?

If you find that negative energy or negative thoughts invade most of the situations in your life and your relationships with other people, it is time to work hard on yourself. When you change, you will attract positive and vibrant people into your life.

Evaluate your companions on the road in life

It is necessary to observe how our companions on the road in life are: contacts at work, friends, casual contacts, partners, etc. Are they positive or negative?

Stay away from people who are negative towards life and take into account those who transmit positive energy, joy, magic, those who make you vibrate with emotion, love, passion.

three friends

Stay away from situations where you find toxic people

Sometimes in casual day-to-day situations, we find people who are toxic, so it is necessary to identify those situations and avoid them, to avoid contact with people who do not vibrate, who turn off.


Vibrate, always, do not let anyone push you, push yourself towards what you want, towards your dreams, fear does not matter, the opinions of others do not matter. Surround yourself with people who vibrate.

Move, sing, dance, run, spread your wings, do what you are passionate about, hug the people you like, whom you love, let the rain soak your face and let the moonlight cover you, let the light of the sun invades your veins and that the clouds shelter you under their shadow.

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