I Like People Who Take Care Of Details: Those Who Give Moments, Not Things

I like people who take care of details: those who give moments, not things

The wise heart feeds on small details, those that are made with care, love of the good and dedication of the authentic. Details of those that are also not worth money and are offered for nothing. Because … let’s face it, it’s amazing how the simplest details have the power to completely change one day that dawned gray.

Whoever admires Impressionism will undoubtedly know Monet’s famous work “Impression, Rising Sun”. In this canvas, which gave its name to the revolutionary pictorial movement in 1874, some brushstrokes that are somewhat free, fast and even messy are striking. The picture seen from very close hardly makes sense, everything seems confused and even chaotic; however, when the viewer moves away, magic appears and with it the meaning of the work.

Every brushstroke, every detail of this magnificent painting acquires importance until it configures an atmosphere almost in motion, a sunrise where the sun seems to explode in the calm waters of the sea. Each brushstroke brings us the light, the humidity, the contrast, the vaporization, the boats in the background and the vividness of the sky’s surface melting into the serenity of the water.

There are hundreds of precise details, delicately studied, giving life to a work. Something very similar happens in our day to day: those attentions that others give us … those words, preferences, those special moments, together with all those little details that they give us and that come from the heart also configure that light that feeds us and that guide. .

Monet's painting the rising sun

To appreciate the details we need a willing heart

The magic exists. You do not have to look for it in the application of a last generation mobile or in that series that is about to premiere on Netflix or in the pleasure of saving enough to buy that car, to pay for that trip or that computer with such a precious logo . At least, it is not necessarily found in those places. The true beauty is hidden in the most everyday details and at the same time surprising.

The web of a spider at dawn, for example, ceases to be dark to be fringed with tiny drops of dew until it forms a fascinating natural spectacle. A child who attends with admiration to his father while he tells him a story or two people who discover each other for the first time and smile at each other in the subway when they see that both are reading the same book, are other examples of those everyday details of which sometimes we are happy witnesses. They are nuances of our reality that inspire us, and that tend to remain in our memory.

Now, to be receptive to all these day-to-day details, we must be fully connected to the present moment. We were talking at the beginning of Claude Monet. This painter – like many others – could spend hours admiring nature: fields in bloom at sunset, water lilies in a pond …

That connection with what happens around us is something that we are undoubtedly losing. We live in a society rich in stimuli (too much even), where little is observed but a lot is shared, where the detail is unimportant because what counts is the impact, the fast news and the “clickbait”.

heart held by hands

On the other hand, and as an interesting detail, note that the thalamus is that structure that allows us to apply an adequate filter of attention when we observe. An area of ​​the brain closely associated with consciousness.

Therefore, we could say that a good way to expand our consciousness has to do with manifesting a receptive attitude; amplifying that wise and curious gaze, which, guided by emotions, is able to notice those beauty that every day arises from nature and also in our social world, with interactions.

The thoughtful people, the ones who give moments, not things

Scientists at the University of Rochester conducted a study a few years ago that was published in the journal “Current Biology” where they concluded the following: people with detail are smarter. His natural method of observation tends to focus on small aspects of reality that not everyone is aware of, nuances that not everyone perceives. In turn, something that is also often highlighted is that highly sensitive people (PAS) show the same capacity.

All this invites us almost to conclude that the people who know how to appreciate the details are also the ones who take care of them the most and those who, in turn, know how to give them to others. Thus, those who are able to attend to those minute aspects that make up the fabric that gives meaning to relationships, where there is respect, recognition and appreciation for that bond, build stronger and happier ties.

girl holding heart under a cloud full of details

Knowing how to give moments and not interchangeable objects is an art. With them we can put that brushstroke of light at the right moment, choose the right color at the moment you miss it the most. A task in which we should all invest time and effort to build more authentic relationships …

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