How To Overcome Jealousy In Relationships

How to overcome jealousy in relationships

Many people feel jealous at times, especially when there are strong feelings of attraction and love towards their partner. Jealousy can even help spark a relationship at times and in moderation. But on many occasions, controlled jealousy can lead to situations of tension in the couple and can end up deteriorating or even destroying the relationship.

It is normal to feel jealousy, as long as it does not lead to situations of control, suffocation in the relationship and harm to one’s partner. Many people who abuse suffer unhealthy jealousy, jealousy that controls the person and causes them to commit acts that indicate anything but love.

6 tips to overcome jealousy

If you care about your relationship and you recognize that you are jealous @ compulsive @, it is interesting that you take note of the ideas. Overcoming jealousy is possible, although it is not always easy. We recommend that you always go to a professional who will undoubtedly help you. Although, the first step is to recognize and be self-critical of oneself to say “yes, I am very jealous”.

1. Trust the other

It is essential to trust the other, who will surely be offended by the lack of trust. Even if there are reasons to distrust due to a slip or past infidelity, it is essential to regain confidence and clarify the terms of forgiveness.

Jealous woman

2. Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others can be an easy way to lose self-esteem. If your partner chose you it will be for something, virtues, abilities, attitudes, etc. valued together. There is no point in considering qualities in isolation from others, especially those related to physical appearance or social status. If you can’t help it, find what you have that others don’t have, especially what your partner likes, and exploit it.

3. Prepare to lose

It sounds harsh, but it is a good exercise in finding solutions. Imagining what it would mean to lose the other is a good way to face the problem, to see beyond, to end the destructive thought of “without you I am nothing” and things like that. At the root of jealousy is the fear of loss and insecurity about what will happen in the future. Overcoming that fear is vital to facing them.

4. Do not play the game of making the other jealous

Trying to make the other person jealous won’t make you feel better. Taking it as a game will distort the situation. It may in some situations spice up the relationship, but when jealousy is a problem it can be exacerbated. Jealousy is an irrational reaction to a situation that is assumed from a specific perspective. If you play you risk losing.

5. Do not distort reality

Jealousy is driven by the destructive use of the imagination, which plays very bad tricks, bringing very negative images to mind. It is necessary to pay attention to what happens and not always imagine the worst. If you can’t help it, think just the opposite and imagine how he rejects the other, how he overcomes the insinuations or whatever you want, as long as you do not lose out.

Insecure woman

6. Avoid prohibitions and limitations

They say that whoever avoids the occasion avoids danger. But this is a really destructive sign of mistrust for a relationship. It is essential to leave the other person free to act as they wish, go where they want and talk and have relationships with whoever they want. Again, trust is vital.


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