How Does Music Influence Us In Clothing Stores?

How does music influence us in clothing stores? How does this relate to sensory neuromarketing? Can music make us buy more? Find out!
How does music influence us in clothing stores?

Has it ever happened to you that you walk into a clothing store and have the feeling that you are in a nightclub ? No, you are not wrong … and the music is at its best, it is rhythmic and lively, very fashionable, and even strident. Why? Sensory neuromarketing has to do with all this . But how does music influence us in clothing stores?

Does it make us buy more? How? Does the type of music have something to do with it? How is this usually? We are going to unravel the mysteries of this increasingly common practice among fashion companies, especially youth fashion.

Girl looking at clothes

How does music influence us in clothing stores?

According to Sánchez (2015), ” music is part of all the elements of the human and social dimension, sometimes without being aware of it “. The reality is that the music in the stores influences the mood, which in turn, influences the purchase decision.

More and more, companies are betting on sensory marketing (or sensory neuromarketing ), that is, one that directly affects our senses to stimulate the desire to buy. Within this type of marketing, we find techniques aimed at stimulating our sense of hearing, in this case through music.

Thus, the music in the shops is generally not chosen at random. This is so because the type of music (for example, very party music) stimulates impulsiveness when buying. How does music influence us in clothing stores? It does so by limiting our self-control, influencing our emotions and mood and, ultimately, making us buy more or less impulsively.

Just party music?

But loud and raucous music is not the only one we can hear in clothing stores. And it depends on the target , that is, the target audience, the predominant type of music in the store will differ.

That is why for young audiences there is a tendency to use party music, but for older audiences, many companies opt for a more relaxing, calm music that stimulates a state of calm and relaxation. Logically, everything will depend on the type of client, the type of clothing, etc. What we mean by all this is that the brand will adapt to the customer to boost their sales.

Saturation of the senses

Loud music overloads our senses and that makes us meditate less when making decisions (in this case, shopping). A loud and very fast and lively music can make us manifest more impulsiveness when buying. In this way, as our senses are overloaded, we do not have much room to meditate or think, because the cognitive attentional system is saturated, and “there is no room for anything else.”

In clothing stores, specifically, music is often specially designed for young people, who tend to be more impulsive than older people. Thus, in a person who is already impulsive, music will have even more effect on his decision to buy compulsively and without control. Logically, music will influence each person differently, although in a similar way in all cases.

Stimulation of pleasure

Beyond stimulating impulsiveness when shopping, music also favors a pleasant sensory experience inside the store. In this way, by feeling good in it, we are likely to spend more time in it, and that increases the probability of buying.

Thus, music can improve mood, allay worries and encourage us to buy (more). In addition, associating the clothing store (or any other type) with a positive experience and with a good mood makes us loyal customers and we tend to return.

Couple buying clothes

Sensory neuromarketing: art or manipulation?

We have seen how the type of music influences the behavior when buying. Perhaps we enter a store discouraged, undecided or distracted … and the music makes us connect with some emotion, with an impulsive behavior or with a “need” to buy, which makes us decide to buy.

Sensory neuromarketing , already mentioned, speaks of all this , which studies, nourishes and applies the knowledge of the neurobiology of the senses. To do this, he investigates sensory perception in depth, to analyze how the stimulation of the senses influences the purchase decision.

And the thing is … the reality is that they “manipulate” us, and although it is a totally legal technique, knowing it can help us to be more cautious when buying things that we do not need. That is, to make a more responsible purchase. Art or manipulation? How far do the limits of marketing go? Either way, its power is unquestionable.

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