Fears Dwell Where Light Does Not Dwell

Fears dwell where light does not dwell

The fall of the sun and the sunset of its light have a psychological effect that the theory speaks about and that surely also corroborates your personal experience. The premature end of the day, as an announcement of winter and cold, causes our mood to change and many of the afternoons take over that apathetic and fearful feeling that floods, for many, Sunday afternoons.

In fact, myths and legends are concentrated in those places and seasons in which the fog falls and the shapes are blurred in the same way that the graphite of a pencil stroke blurs the surroundings of the line when passing the finger over it. . Thus, our fears already come when we are little to the spaces of the room in which clarity penetrates with a tenuous shyness, also fearful.


The light that survives in the dark is what gives hope

A darkness that the sailors who cut the sea at night know a lot about, far from the light pollution of the big cities and with the only sound of the waves breaking with the hull of the ship. They too know about the power of the headlights, which dot the shoreline with lights, each one flashing differently. They also know the power of memories, which they have left on the ground, hoping to return soon.

Both light keep life beating. Just like sailors it happens to us. When the light stops making shadows we all have our headlights, our memories and even our moons that make tides with particular sounds. Those moons are usually people to whom we have a greater affection than the blue of the sea.

It is they who do not let ghosts invade everything, it is those lights that give us shelter from the anxiety produced by fears that grow huge at night, seeking the prize of stealing our sleep. Lying in bed we cannot act, so it is our mind that collects all the energy that the body does not use.

woman before the mirror

We can secure a light before the bulb goes out

Many of our fathers or mothers have not studied psychology, yet they sing us lullabies or tell us stories. It is not their intention, but with their voice they relax us and direct our consciousness during that stretch that goes from the moment in which the darkness manifests itself until the dream arrives. Some do it so well that they get us to read their stories for a while before closing our eyes. One of the best lights to illuminate the night.

When we read before going to sleep, we divert our consciousness from our problems and relax it by being spectators of the adventures and stories of others. Our mind works, gets tired and exhausted, but it will never enter a circle that feeds itself and in which anxiety grows and grows.

For this purpose, making love also has, in this sense, the effect of a good read. The pleasant release of hormones produced by this activity makes the conversations we can have with our partner positive, in addition to lowering our general energy level. For this purpose, it is also a cool light!

Hence, you can deduce that few things are worse for sleep than going to bed worried or angry. If we get horizontal with this attitude of mental irascibility, our mind will work in that state and the thoughts it handles will probably be in tune with the emotion that overwhelms us. On the contrary, if we do it relaxed and as mere spectators of the world, we will be prepared to immerse ourselves in the adventures that dreams bring us.

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