Fear Of Not Finding Work Again, What Can We Do?

Many people fear that they will never find work again. It is a buried anguish caused by the current social situation and that leads them to situations of high mental exhaustion.
Fear of not finding work again, what can we do?

There is an increasingly recurring theme in Internet forums: the fear of never finding a job again. The economic recession, structural changes and the obvious impact of the current situation have left and will leave millions of people unemployed. The psychological vulnerability that this reality outlines is, in many cases, devastating.

There is also an aspect that goes beyond even the economic factor. It is evident that if a household does not enter income it is impossible to face the day to day. Now, we cannot forget that work also confers on the human being a sense of meaning, purpose and personal fulfillment. When this fails the mental fracture can be immense.

This last reality is especially common among the younger population and among those of older age. The former fear that they will never be able to carry out a life project. The latter feel that they are no longer useful to society and, therefore, not to themselves. All of this paints a problematic and dangerous canvas for mental health that we should take action against. We analyze it.

Sad man afraid of never finding a job again

The fear of not finding work again, an increasingly common reality

There are many types of unemployment. The cyclical or conjunctural, for example, responds to recession years, economic crises and those times in which an event has a great impact on the micro and macroeconomics. We also have seasonal unemployment, that associated with that demand for labor depending on the time of year (summer, Christmas campaigns, etc.).

However, the fear of not finding work again responds, above all, to what is known as structural unemployment. They are those situations in which there is a mismatch between supply and demand. The second exceeds the first and this translates into an excess of job seekers in relation to the actual offers in the existing job market.

To the fear of not finding a job, perhaps another factor is added: the anguish of never leaving the cycle of temporary and precarious employment, that which does not allow to have either present or future prospects. All of this has serious consequences.

Unemployment and mental health

Studies, such as those published a few months ago in The Lancet magazine ,  offer a fact that is as illustrative as it is alarming: the suicide rate has increased between 20 and 30% in the last year. Mental health problems associated with joblessness could increase even further in the coming months.

It is clear that lack of work is directly related to depression and loss of satisfaction with one’s life. Thus, the more this situation becomes chronic and the more time passes without the person perceiving a change or a minimal hope that their situation may change, not only does the financial drama rise, the psychological helplessness increases exponentially.

On the other hand, studies, such as those carried out by Drs. Karsten Paul and Klaus Moser from the department of organizational and social psychology at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany, indicate something important. Unemployment also affects the environment, so that family and social relationships are often affected.

Sad and apathetic woman because of the fear of not finding a job again

The fear of chronic unemployment: what can we do?

Who are we if we cannot do anything with our lives, or take care of our families or ourselves?… This is what those who are afraid of never finding work again think day after day. Therefore, the main dimensions that make up this psychological reality are impotence on the one hand, helplessness, low self-esteem and depression.

Sooner or later, the person looks to the future without hope and when they no longer see a sense of change or improvement, they drift into that dark abyss of the dangerous depressive disorder. What should we do in these circumstances? We reflect on it. 

Avoid isolation

Lack of employment is often experienced with humiliation or shame. There are many who choose not to leave home, to interact less and less and plunge into that job search online, so that they can spend many hours at the computer. This lack of socialization and stimulation further increases the discomfort.

An essential first step in these cases is to talk with friends, family and acquaintances on a daily basis. Going out and maintaining an active social life will help us to strengthen our spirits, to have an active, strong and hopeful mind.

Have a healthy daily routine

Having daily guidelines that structure our hours will allow us to have greater control over ourselves and over time management.

  • You need to take care of your sleep-wake cycles. Waking up and going to bed at the same times is highly recommended.
  • Integrating physical exercise on a daily basis is healthy, as well as taking care of one’s own diet
  • We will divide the hours of job search with those of social interaction, leisure and rest.
  • It is important to take time each day to develop a new skill or work on an exciting new project.

New projects for the future

We know that times change and that the future is going to be more and more demanding. Sometimes being able to innovate and think about new projects can serve as a powerful stimulus. It is possible that our job category is no longer so attractive or in demand, therefore, it never hurts to start training in new areas.

If we know what our strengths are, we can take advantage of them to think of interesting projects. If we also support ourselves with other people, that idea can become more motivating.

The need for psychological therapy in the face of fear of not finding a job again

In situations of chronic unemployment, social and psychological support is vital. This is an increasingly common reality that affects many groups in our society. It is necessary that we design mechanisms of close and effective attention to attend to the mental health of these people.

If we are going through this situation right now, do not hesitate to take the step. There are many who are going through the same thing, we are not alone and we deserve to be able to face this reality with all possible resources and support. Being mentally well will allow us to come up with new solutions and achieve, sooner or later, a quality job offer. Let’s keep it in mind.

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