Emotional Reactivity: Always Living On The Defensive Has Consequences

There are people who get angry about everything, so sensitive that we don’t really know how to address them. Being emotionally reactive not only complicates relationships, it is also a factor that is related to depressive disorders.
Emotional reactivity: always living on the defensive has consequences

Emotional reactivity defines a way of responding to almost any situation in an unbalanced and even uncontrolled way. It is a characteristic that we often see in those people who are upset by everything, who interpret words as threats and who rarely manage to regulate their feelings. That almost constant susceptibility leads them to clearly exhausting situations, both for them and for their environment.

It should be noted that this psychological dimension is quite common in children and adolescents. When an adequate emotional regulation has not yet been established, as well as self-awareness and control of frustration or the unfathomable weight of ego and pride, it is common to lead to these problematic behavioral realities.

Thus, and in case of not achieving good competence in all these dimensions early, we will have adults with clearly pathological behaviors and attitudes. What’s more, there are many studies that show us the close relationship between emotional reactivity, depression and even addictive behaviors. Let’s learn more about this topic.

Angry screaming woman showing emotional reactivity

Emotional reactivity: what it is and how it manifests

Emotional reactivity is a construct that is directly linked to emotional dysregulation. They are those situations in which someone responds to their environment impulsively, without calibrating emotions, without rationalizing feelings, thoughts or behaviors … It should be noted that this characteristic appears with high frequency in certain personality disorders.

This lack of control over one’s own behavior and in which an intense and uncontrolled emotional response also appears defines, for example, the complex borderline personality disorder. However, it is important to emphasize that in many cases this reactivity is the result of multiple environmental factors.

Maladaptive environments or families with zero educational skills, for example, can sometimes be the origin of these psychological realities. Let us now see how it manifests itself.

People who are always on the defensive

For a moment, let’s think about what it must be like to live in a mind where everything is perceived as a threat. Imagine, in turn, what it must be like to feel hurt by almost any comment, especially because the brain, in these cases, has a subtle tendency to misrepresent everything.

In such circumstances it is very common to be on the defensive, responding to any circumstance in an intense, disproportionate way.

The susceptible ego: be aware of what they will say

Susceptibility is a wound that is always open and that makes almost everything itch. Emotional reactivity is behind these behaviors of those who are waiting (and almost obsessed) to imagine what is said about them, what others may think about their own person.

Being subject to every second to what they will say about me, to what others will think β€œ about how I am or what I do ”, leads them to almost constant suffering.

The insecurity that leads to psychological rigidity

Beyond that impulsive behavior, those reactions often full of anger, pride and frustration, hides a fragile and insecure being. Lack of self-control, no emotional management, low self-esteem and a poorly defined self-concept. they make up that psychological insecurity so common but dangerous at the same time.

Insecure people often develop a clear psychological rigidity. Their mental patterns hold them to the same ideas, to the same inflexible focus. This resource acts as a defense mechanism to protect your internal vulnerability. However, this psychological rigidity prevents them from empathizing, understanding the other, opening up to new perspectives.

Depression and emotional reactivity

We pointed it out at the beginning. The unmanaged emotional reactivity that constantly accompanies the person in their daily interaction often leads to mental disorders. Thus, studies such as those carried out at Arizona State University indicate that emotional reactivity and rumination that arises in adolescence is linked to depressive symptoms.

Let’s not forget that emotional mismanagement hinders the quality of relationships. Also, that behind this profile there is also an existential void, feelings of loneliness and the constant idea that nobody understands them. All of this is a clear breeding ground for mood disorders.

Conflicted teenager frying his father

How is emotional reactivity and dysregulation treated?

Is there any type of therapy for people who show emotional reactivity? Indeed, there is, but the way to approach this psychological and behavioral reality is to make use of various approaches. It is important to consider that problems controlling impulses, behaviors and emotions lead to self-harm, eating disorders and even addictions.

It is essential to attend to each case and explore possible clinical comorbidities. Thus, and on average, the following strategies are useful in these situations:

  • Emotional regulation therapy : aimed at enabling the person to identify, understand and manage their emotions in a rational and flexible way.
  • Impulse control strategies.
  • Frustration tolerance.
  • Management of anger and aggressiveness.
  • Acceptance of oneself, strengthening of self-esteem.
  • Planning of goals, clarification of values ​​and purposes.
  • Social skills.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Emotional communication techniques.

To conclude, few areas are more decisive to guarantee the mental well-being of the human being than the correct adjustment and regulation of emotions. Knowing how to respond to situations without reacting in an excessive or problematic way allows us to have greater control over ourselves. And something like this enables us to be successful in many areas of life.

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