Elon Musk: Robot To Replace Human Workers

The debate on robots is still latent and has not reached a point in common. However, industries continue to create new prototypes over the years.
Elon Musk: robot to replace human workers

Robots have been around in real life since the early 1900s. In this way, today it is common to see them in industrial sectors performing tasks related to the transport of merchandise or the handling of tools.

In addition, multiple prototypes have also been created to streamline household chores. Because of this, many families have chosen to have a robot that washes their dishes or is in charge of cleaning the dust on a constant basis.

However, engineers and innovators continue to plan the design of new and increasingly sophisticated robots every day. Thus, Elon Musk, took advantage of the Tesla AI day to make an announcement that has aroused everyone’s expectation.

The robot that Elon Musk wants to boost

The success of the technology of Tesla, the brand dedicated to making electric cars, has triggered them to want to venture into new projects. For that reason, in the last time they have affirmed that it is possible that for the future they will be recognized as a robotics company.

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The intention of its founder is to build a robot with a human design, which is responsible for performing various jobs that are considered monotonous and dangerous. In addition, he has stated that the thought is that the automated machine understands the voice of the people and only executes what is indicated.

Thus, the advance they want to achieve is that the robot does not focus only on industrial tasks, but also interprets tasks such as those of the home. In this way, the objective they propose is to combine the performance of several machines in one.

While the construction process has not yet begun, Elon Musk showed at the meeting that he is already quite clear on the design. This, since he explained that the invention will be 1.73 meters high, will be transported at 8 km / h to match human speed and will be able to carry more than 15 kg of weight.

Also, he pointed out that the name that the invention has at the moment is ‘Tesla Bot’. In addition to this, he expressed that for its efficiency, cameras similar to those incorporated in the cars that revolutionized the market will be included.

On the other hand, Elon Musk defended his idea saying that the goal is for the robot to be complementary to the human. “Physical work in the future will be optional. You can do it, but it is not necessary, “ concluded the founder of Tesla.

Finally, a definitive release date has not been mentioned. However, the company promised to show more progress over the next year.

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Will robots permanently replace humans? These are the two points of view.

Opinions on this issue have been constant since robots have evolved. However, despite all the time that has passed, opinions remain divided and a common point has never been reached.

On the one hand, one sector says that robots will take jobs away from humans because they will match the speed and result of their tasks. In addition, they add that people can become subjects of these machines because they would interact with them in a large number of spaces.

However, on the other hand, another sector points out that this version is not true. The arguments they offer are that humans can demonstrate various skills at the same time, while robots focus on a specific task.

Added to this, they explain that robots are far from having batteries that equal human work time. In addition, they recognize that the use of massive automations would make budgets more expensive because they require using the most expensive technologies on the market.

In this way, the debates continue to be presented in a continuous way and the demonstrations of Elon Musk reactivated the issue.

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