Don’t Let The Past Take Away Too Much Of Today

Don't let the past take away too much from today

The rumor circulates that there are two types of people in this life: those who order the books from highest to lowest and those who do not, those who need 10 alarms to wake up or those who with one are already active. Also, why not, those that are to look at the history of their past constantly and those that are entrenched in the topic of “carpe diem”.

Virtue, however, is likely that, as Aristotle warned, is in the middle of these questions: as we will comment, the history of your past deserves that you do not forget it, no matter how bad you think it was and today needs be taken advantage of but rationalizing the actions you carry out, trusting in what you can build for tomorrow.

Don’t let the past chain you

If you are the kind of person who takes up too much time from the here and now and you even feel like it is shackling you, it is beneficial to start by looking for a way to free yourself. I am fully aware that when the past has hit us hard, it is very difficult to recover from the blows and to look forward with courage.

Woman with hand over eyes

In this sense, each of us has a different past whose magnitude we can only judge ourselves : perhaps what you have perceived as the worst moment of your life is for someone else something easy to overcome and vice versa. We have all been chained at times, paralyzed by situations that we believed were stronger than we could bear and, nevertheless, we have been able to with them and you can too.

Other times negative events do not push us back, but just the opposite: we have lived such good months and moments that it is hard for us to think that there can be something better when they are over. However, you are the only person capable of taking charge of your life and continuing to create moments that can make you happy in the present.

The present is a new opportunity

The present is your great opportunity in such a way that the will to wake up one day and put on some new shoes to face what happens to you in a different way is in you. Thus, the present becomes an opportunity to give the past the place it deserves and open yourself up to new experiences.

The present is an ideal occasion to meet new people who enrich you as a person and give you the vitality and energy you long for: it is about stopping looking there where you once dressed well but no longer, it consists of taking advantage of a new chapter that help you close the previous ones that damage.

Time heals past wounds, prompts you to forgive what you thought you could never forgive, forces you to face the duel of a farewell, shows you the value of fleeting moments of happiness and, above all, time inevitably teaches you to project the look towards today and tomorrow. 

Free woman with birds

When changing things, it is not necessary to lose the past

When we refer to “leaving behind” your past, we do not want you to interpret it as forgetting about it: it is okay to remember that you have a past because that is your story and you do not have to lose it, we only want to tell you that as such you can return to it only when go to contribute something to your present.

We want to say that it is important that the past does not take away too much of today because everything has its moment and its space, otherwise when you want to realize your future it will continue to be the past: you never have to forget the teachings that you have gathered from your previous steps, but allow your feet to continue walking.

The present has an inestimable value because it is always an unforged stage that belongs to you completely: to avoid feeling an empty today, authorize it to be built at the same time as you. Be who you really want to be and accept what you once were and are no longer. That is what it consists of: understanding that we are not the same, that it is clear that we have a past, but the present is not waiting before our eyes.

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