An Intelligent Woman Knows That She Has No Limits

A smart woman knows she has no limits

For a long time, there were social beliefs about the role that women should play: taking care of the children and the husband, taking care of the housework and taking care of the elderly. But all that is over and currently stands out the intelligent, independent woman who knows that she has no limits.

An intelligent woman lives her own life, assumes positions of responsibility professionally, is independent, does not base her happiness on getting married or having children because she knows that her happiness depends on herself and not on third parties, she has learned to value and overcome herself .

The intelligent woman and the couple

A study by several British universities that was published in the Sunday Times newspaper concluded that intelligent women tend not to marry, while bright men are 40% more likely to marry.

Single woman sitting on a bench

The study was conducted on a group of 900 men and women. These volunteer participants were given an IQ test when they were 11 years old and 40 years later they were interviewed to find out who had married and who had not.

It was found that women who chose to continue their university studies were 40% less likely to marry. However, as for men, they have 35% more options to marry for every 16 point increase in their IQ.

The things a smart woman does

There are certain traits that characterize an intelligent woman, that make her different from the rest and have a plus of attractiveness for men. However, according to several researchers from the University of Buffalo, the California Lutheran University and the University of Texas (United States) concluded that men feel intimidated in front of an intelligent woman.  

From a biological point of view, according to the study,  men should seek to mate with intelligent women because of the genetic advantages that this entails. However, in practice, most men prefer not to date a woman who is smarter than they are.

The question we ask ourselves at this point is: What things does an intelligent woman do that differentiate her from the others? Let’s see them.

Live the moment

He knows how to learn from the past and wait patiently and calmly for the future. So live the moment, the now, enjoying every word, touch, look, smell or taste. An intelligent woman looks you in the eye and listens to you because she feels that she has to take advantage of that moment with you.

smart woman

Like everyone else, he has gone through difficult moments in his life and has managed to overcome them and become stronger. You have learned not to make the same mistakes again and you are very clear about what you want to achieve in life.

Appreciate loneliness

An intelligent woman does not feel alone because she does not have a partner, on the contrary: she appreciates her loneliness and independence. He does not link his happiness to other people, but his rich inner life allows him to enjoy the moments of solitude.

Those lonely moments are essential for any intelligent woman because they allow her to know herself, evaluate herself, reflect and know what she needs to improve. Through these reflections, he manages to overcome challenges, gain motivation.

Not afraid of changes

Smart women are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and deal with change. They are aware that changes bring opportunities and that they are also a way of acquiring new learning and living original experiences.

If there is something in their life that they do not like, a job that they are not passionate about, a partner with whom they do not share an ideal of life or friends who do not support them in their decisions, intelligent women react and look for ways to improve. They are active by nature.

He listens to his heart and knows how to say no

An intelligent woman knows that the voice of her heart and of her intuition is very important. He is also aware that when he has to make difficult decisions, his body speaks and transmits the emotions that each option provokes in him. This is information that you do not neglect when making the right decision.

woman holding a heart

In addition, they are not afraid to say no and they know that there are times when they have to deny themselves and set limits to other people, so that they respect their personal space and their way of life. She is not a possessive person, nor does she let anyone be possessive with her.

In short, she is a smart woman!

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