3 Personality Types That Make You Unique

3 personality types that make you unique

Personality reveals how you really are. It encompasses both your physical and mental characteristics that make you different from others, unique. But, on occasions, we have wanted to identify ourselves within a group with other people who have the same or similar traits. We are talking about personality types.

There are several theories in this regard, but we are going to stick to one that differentiates between personality A, personality B and a third type called C. This classification of personalities was highly criticized at the time and the debate is not yet closed.

Personality types A and B were determined by Friedman and Rosenmann in 1959. These two guys were completely opposite. In this way, individuals could identify with one or the other more easily, without the usual problem of feeling that your personality has a bit of A and a bit of B.

But, it was not until 1980 when Morris and Creer came up with a different type, which they named “C personality. This type allowed people who did not feel identified with the previous ones to fit into this group. Or maybe not? Today we are going to discover what each of these personality types reveals to us.

1. Type A personality

Do you recognize that person who is always in a hurry? Is anyone in your family addicted to work? Individuals who fit into this type are highly hyperactive, energetic, and splendidly productive. This makes them give everything in their work and that they forget, a little, about family and friends.

Man with competitive personality


With all this, personality A is characterized by competitiveness, that need to be better than others that, at times, can lead us to step on those around us in order to achieve what we want. This can have as a consequence a great aggressiveness that is present, disqualifying the work of others and denying help to those who need it.

On this basis, the people who fit into this group are terribly cold, at least that’s the impression they give. They suppress their emotions, are insensitive, and are always tough and firm. Sometimes this is all a facade to suppress a terrible insecurity. Without hesitation, they are very susceptible to illnesses such as stress or anxiety.

2. Type B personality

Contrary to the previous one, people who fit into this type are very calm and do not tend to get stressed easily. Because of all this, they tend to be late for many appointments, but they do not get nervous about it. They have all the time in the world.

Man with three faces and changing personality

People with B personality are also great sleep lovers, so getting up early or sleeping less than 8 hours is not part of their plans. This makes them lead a very calm life, without pressure. In fact, they don’t mind not competing to be better than others.

They recognize their limits and are comfortable with who they are. They don’t have to be better than anyone else. 

One of the great characteristics of this type of personality is that people are usually very empathetic and warm. They have no problem socializing as they attract people with their charming smile. In addition, they are very attractive due to the great security they have in themselves. The normal thing is that they have a great self-esteem.

3. Type C personality

This last type is the most controversial, since it encloses the most passive and submissive beings. People who can feel identified in this group feel helpless in the face of certain stressful situations or unexpected events. Try as they might, they can’t help but feel helpless.

Man with lonely personality

This causes them to be, many times, victims of abuse and manipulative people, since they are submissive and conformist to what is coming. They are not capable of making decisions, they have a great fear of doing so and their insecurity is much more serious than what people in personality group A may seem.

One consequence of belonging to this group is that people inhibit their emotions, that is, they keep them to themselves. In this way, they swallow anger, disappointment, sadness, and they cannot express them to vent. This causes serious depression problems.

A, B, C from Buddhist Psychology

Have you felt identified with any of these groups? These types of personalities date back many years and several things have changed. For this reason, it has been a highly criticized typology that, for many, lacked and lacks rigor. What do you think? Which of these personality types do you think you could belong to?

Perhaps you belong a little to all three or none. And it is that the personality or the “I” from Buddhist Psychology is a concept created to identify ourselves with an entity that does not exist as we believe it does. According to Buddhist Psychology, the “I” is constantly changing, in this way, it is difficult to anchor in a specific type of personality. Change is something present in our lives. Who was impatient in his day, today can be calm. Thus, he would have passed from Personality A to B.

In this way, the importance of not being anchored to a way of being and being open to experience and learning is pointed out . If we have felt identified with one of the three personality types, it is not synonymous with the fact that we have to be that way for life. What better than to be free and evolve!

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