The Art Of Motivating Ourselves

The art of motivating ourselves

Never has the art of motivating ourselves been so necessary. Many people I know have shared with me their apathy towards life. I’ve heard phrases like: “I have no idea what I want to do with my life!”, “I don’t care!”, “Why waste my time trying?” In many cases, this attitude is caused by lack of motivation.

The truth is that we are filled with expectations that are later not met and instead of looking for other means to achieve our purposes, we abandon the mission, we surrender. It is there when we begin to fall into neglect and we stop assuming an attitude of perseverance.

“Accept” is the first step. Then try to figure out what the root of it all is. If you have been resisting for a long time to look at another angle of reality, you have probably lost sight of the main cause that triggered so many difficulties that now you do not know how to handle.

What prevents me from moving forward?

The feeling of stagnation usually appears when there is demotivation. The perception that we are not going in any direction, that the obstacles are very great, or that our life is meaningless, are thoughts that tend to become persistent when we do not go to reality to modify it.

Thus, to get out of emotional negativity, many times we have to start from the roof, that is, doing activities that attracted us and now do not attract us, we can resurrect the desire to do them again.

An alternative that can help you get rid of these dangerously fixed concepts is to answer the following: what is preventing me from moving forward?

Take a blank paper and with a pencil write all the reasons that prevent you. Once you find them, place them and try to define exactly what produces them and what they produce.

Know your barriers and the barriers of the environment. Study them, get to know them. That is the first step in trying to tear them down and find a solution.

Unmotivated woman in front of the computer

Leave the “comfort zone”

By this we mean reevaluating that state of mind that makes you feel safe and comfortable with what you have around you. Your comfort zone is an emotional area in which you have been for a long time, in which you feel that you have learned enough to have the ability to control your environment: it is where you return when you want to seek safety.

The negative is not being in this comfort zone but staying in it continuously. Living permanently in this place causes us to stagnate, to feed more fears towards what is outside and to overestimate the risks of taking any action that is not in the area that we do not abandon.

Mental barriers can turn against us and become the most dangerous enemy of ourselves. If you want positive changes in your life, you have to know that using the same old formula will only give the same result. Dare to live new experiences! Why not?

Short term action

After identifying the root of that mental block, do small tasks that you have pending : from cleaning your room or that call you promised, to catching up on work, etc. Take note of everything you have to solve during the week and, if it is necessary to postpone any commitment, do it.

Often times, those tasks that we put off because we don’t like them are a real drag on our mood because they have an extraordinary facility to join the demotivating thought cycles.

Thus, you have surely experienced it for yourself when you have dedicated an afternoon or a morning to eliminating all these tasks and you have felt that weight go away.

Motivated woman working on her computer

Motivation equals action

All this may be the beginning of a new stage. Since you will see with a more positive perspective of reality and your life can take a more successful course. Obstacles will always be present on our path and overcoming them is part of the journey. Fill yourself with new knowledge, free yourself from those borders that are only in your thoughts and dare to live.

To motivate yourself, you must act; act in the direction that is valuable to us. With willpower, anything is possible. Motivation will never magically come to you. You must conquer it on your own.

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