Get Excited Again

Many see the illusion as a fantasy with no real chance of being fulfilled. On the other hand, considering it as an engine for our lives is something very beneficial. Find out.
Get excited again

The illusion is the “spark of life”, without it, life loses color, everything becomes monotonous, off and nothing makes sense. Recovering the illusion or getting excited again entails looking for it and leaving the apathetic moment in which we live.

Illusion makes every moment of life special and unique. In addition, living with illusion allows us to anticipate the desired moment, since illusion motivates us to visualize, project and desire what we want to live, so that we enjoy it before it arrives.

Where does the illusion live?

Illusion lives in those moments of life that bring us closer to our projects.  It is about wanting to achieve something and putting all our energy into achieving it. The illusion is that internal feeling that makes us enjoy before our wish has been fulfilled. We can enhance the “spark of life” if we propose to do it every day.

Sad girl thinking how to get excited again


The illusion lives within us and in the way we do things. We can live our day to day in a monotonous way, without desire, routinely, automatically, that is, without illusion to live.

But we can also propose to get excited again, to live each moment as if it were unique, putting all our desire, our joy, all the illusion, because we know that we are closer to achieving what we want to achieve.

We could say that the illusion lives in having realistic and achievable goals, desires and projects, so that we will live each moment intensely, with the illusion of achieving it, enjoying it from the beginning.

The illusion of children

Do you remember when you were a kid? Childhood is related to illusion, and this is not a coincidence. In childhood we believe that everything is possible, we get excited when they tell us a plan that we are going to make, when a friend is coming home, when we write the letter from the Three Kings, etc …

The illusion allows the little ones to live intensely every moment of their innocent childhood. When we become adults, we discover that not everything is possible, and that things are not as we want them to be, and this causes the illusion to be lost, it dissipates between disappointments, problems, frustrations and sufferings.

The lost illusion

Since we are adults we  discover real life and that it is not as fair as we thought as children. We run the risk of losing the illusion of childhood, and with it we lose the ability to enjoy every moment, since we do not have confidence that we can achieve our projects and desires.

We will then live with the bittersweet taste of disappointments and problems, so we lose all hope that there could be something more. Our illusion has been lost between reluctance and disappointment …

Life with illusion


Woman painting butterflies thanks to illusion

However, life has a lot to offer us and still surprise us, we just need to believe in it. It is necessary to get excited again about small things in everyday life, to recover desires, projects and dreams in small things in life.

And life will give us back fulfilled wishes, projects and dreams made, by the simple explanation of having believed in them and having put all our energy into achieving them.

Life with hope is a life full of good moments, small moments that are worth living, because they fill us with satisfaction and happiness, even if there are other less happy moments.

By living with enthusiasm, life becomes the sum of small moments that bring us closer to desired moments, and that even the bad moments are necessary to advance through a life that is worthwhile, that is, the one we are projecting in each moment.

Get excited again

Girl looking at the stars with illusion

To recover the illusion, to get excited again, I propose a series of steps :

  • You want a project, a dream, a purpose that gives meaning to your life.
  • Every morning remember that it is worth living today, because each time you get closer to the project you want to achieve in your life.
  • Live every moment with the same enthusiasm as when you were a child, expressing it to those around you, taking out the good part of what you live today, learning, enjoying and feeling yourself on the path of achieving what you propose.
  • Thank life for every moment, good or bad, because they all make us learn and improve, and this is also part of the life you want to live, since to get where you set out you also have to grow and learn to be able to achieve it.
  • Get excited, get excited, be surprised by everything that happens to you, life is still as magical as when you were little, you just have to want it to be like that and feel it, and then you will recover the illusion of childhood, with adult maturity.

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