The 20th Century Prophet

The prophet of the 20th century

Edgar Cayce was born in Hopkinsville, in the State of Kentucky. He loved reading the Bible since he was little and when he was 7 years old, he revealed to his parents that he had visions and mental powers. He also said that he spoke with the spirit of his grandfather. The adults did not believe him and due to the lack of support, he took refuge in the Holy Scriptures. When it finished its pages it began again.

One night an angel appeared to him and asked him what he wanted most in life. Edgar replied that his dream was to help others, especially to help sick children. I thought I was a missionary doctor.

This was not the only thing that happened to him because his life was always full of “unusual” sensations, which he assimilated in silence, without telling others. One day, for example, he fell asleep while trying to study and that’s when he realized that he could memorize in dreams. Upon awakening, he would recite the contents of the books regardless of their complexity.

When he finished school, he settled in the city and worked as a bookseller. He immediately meets a girl named Gertrude Evans and they think about marrying when he has the means. Shortly after, Edgar contracted aphonia that did not allow him to speak until a very famous hypnotist named Hart arrived at the scene, who began to treat his problem. While he was under the influence of the “spell”, the voice was normal, but when he woke up, again, the hoarseness returned.

His treatment passed into the hands of a self-taught hypnotist, Al Layne, who discovered that his problem was a psychological disorder, because Edgar himself explained the situation to him while he was hypnotized. Layne followed all the steps that the patient was telling him and when he woke up, he was completely cured. He didn’t know anything about medicine, but that’s when he became the 20th century prophet, realizing that he had the gift of clairvoyance.

Edgar Cayce’s Prophecies

He said that Europe would change completely, that Italy and Greece were in danger, as the volcanoes of Vesuvius and Etna were going to awaken. “Those who fear earthquakes should settle in Ireland, because it is the place in the world where they will suffer the least. For a thousand shocks in England, there will be 43 in Ireland, “he said at another time.

Also on this continent, he predicted the end of the Nazi and Communist regimes and before that the two world wars. “In Russia there will be freedom and that is when hope will come in the world. This will take years to become a reality, but from this country faith will emerge. The regime that inhabits this region regulates not only the economic life of the people, but also the spiritual and mental ”.

Edgar Cayce also predicted that most of Japan’s territory would slide into the sea. This was verified by a geologist named Nobichico Obara, who affirms that the archipelago is giving more and more centimeters (2 to 3 per year) to the Ocean.

During his life, Cayce had a vision about the racial struggle in his country, which would later turn into a civil war. He said something about it that has not yet been fulfilled: “when a large number of lands and islands fall under the yoke of those who fear neither man nor the devil and who proclaim that power is their right, then at that moment they will run the blood just like when you saw brother against brother ”.

Another of Cayce’s clairvoyants was about Nebraska in the year 2100. “The sea covers almost the entire western part of this region, the city where I lived was on the coast.” He saw himself traveling in a metal airplane in the shape of a cigarette and reaching great speed. He stopped in a totally destroyed city and asked a passerby where he was “In New York” was the answer. He saw that they were rebuilding the place, that the water covered Alabama, and that Virginia and Norfolk were ports in the sea. Industries were scattered and not centralized and many houses were made of glass. “One day these cities will be submerged in the ocean.” He never spoke about nuclear destruction, although he believed that man would end up destroying himself, as he had done in Atlantis.

He predicted that the Island of Poseidon would be one of the first areas to re-emerge from the waves of the Caribbean Sea and that this movement would occur long after his time. “All the lands that must emerge will do so slowly and progressively.” He also described a tomb filled with archives, in a small pyramid that had information on Ancient Egypt. It was covered by sand, near one of the legs of the Sphinx and that would be discovered after 1978 (this has not yet been fulfilled).

Beyond believing or not in the prophecies of this man, the truth is that he was a person of very advanced knowledge for his time (he died in 1945) and many say that he really had those powers. Not all the revelations were fulfilled yet and we will not know if it will happen, what is certain is that he was a person who revolutionized a moment in history and many today venerate him and analyze his sayings.

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