The Marie Kondo Method Of Ordering Life, Ordering The House

The Marie Kondo method of ordering life, ordering the house

The Marie Kondo method indicates that ordering the house  helps to order life. The disorder of the objects is the reflection of a certain inner chaos. At the same time, this external labyrinth generates a feeling of internal bewilderment. Both aspects are strongly interrelated.

Marie Kondo is a Japanese, author of the book “The magic of order. She became a true guru on the matter. Not for nothing did he appear on the Times Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2015. His books and videos are some of the most consulted on the planet.

As the end of the year approaches, many of us begin to look for the best way to order our house and order our lives. It is a good time to apply the Marie Kondo method. Let’s see what it consists of.

The Marie Kondo method and the rebound effect

One of the important concepts in the Marie Kondo method is the “ rebound effect . It begins to operate when people want to order a space and select everything they do not use. Even, many times they classify it in an orderly way.

drawers arranged according to Marie Kondo method

What they do later is to look for any corner to deposit there everything that they do not use. In this way, cabinets, drawers and any space end up full of these objects. Many even decide that it is time to buy other furniture to put everything that is left over there.

In the end what happens is that the spaces destined to store things are saturated. Now, in the Marie Kondo method, ordering is not storing. When the latter is done, the disorder begins anew. As the storage spaces are occupied, everything begins again to be divided into different parts. That is the rebound effect.

Learn to throw away what is useless

Most of us have a lot of trouble throwing things away. However, the secret of order is precisely in overcoming this problem. This is what the Marie Kondo method points out. What you must do is learn to pull without compassion. Of course, this “throw away” also implies donating.

Marie Kondo method exemplified by its protagonist

According to Marie Kondo, only objects that make us happy should be kept. Each object takes on an emotional meaning. Some are endearing. Others, on the other hand, are indifferent to us. It is these who do not have to stay at home. Its only function is to obstruct.

If you have to think too much about whether or not to throw something away, the answer is only one: throw it away. In front of the objects that make us happy there is no doubt. If there is, it is because we do not care so much about that specific object. What operates there is that neurotic habit of difficulty in letting go of things.

Of course, before getting rid of an object, it is convenient to thank him for the service provided. Also say goodbye. It seems silly, but Marie Kondo says that it is a good antidote to certain feelings of guilt. Those that appear in many people when they throw something.

The steps of the Marie Kondo method

The Marie Kondo method comprises nine steps. Each of them must be fully completed, before moving on to the next. She and her thousands of followers assure that it does work. It only takes a bit of decision to carry it out. The steps to follow are:

  • Discard. Throw away everything that does not make us happy or has a deep meaning for us.
  • Store only what brings joy to our lives.
  • Sort by category, not by location. This means that you must decide to order ALL the clothes and not to order the room, for example.
  • Always start with the clothes. Clothes are easier to throw away because you quickly know whether or not to wear them.
  • Organize the remaining clothing vertically. Form small rectangles with the clothes. Then store it vertically. The end result is something like a garment library.
  • Do not leave for later. It is best to start and end each category at once. Do not leave for later.
  • Give value to the objects you keep. If they don’t have a meaning, they don’t have to be in your house either.
  • Do the cleaning alone. If you are looking for company, they will surely persuade you not to throw away what you must throw away.
  • Don’t buy new furniture to store. This should only be done if they are not available. Otherwise, the furniture is sufficient.

Those who have applied it say that the Marie Kondo method is a great help. Especially for the nostalgic and non-pathological compulsive hoarders. If you are thinking of getting everything in order before the end of the year, it is worth applying it.

Marie Kondo method


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