Remember Is To Live Again ??

Remember is to live again??

Why, when relationships end, do we refuse to put things in the past and insist on remembering over and over again what we lived through? Sometimes it is because we feel hurt or hurt, especially when a relationship that seemed to promise us happiness has been frustrated and one day it ended without further ado.

We could say that we refuse because we are spiteful or too proud to forgive. However, in many cases we are not sincere because what we really do not want is to  forget that person, that couple whom we have loved so much.

We never really stop totally loving someone we love passionately one day …  And with more determination when we have had to give up for this or for that, because it is also true, sometimes even if we want a lot, there are relationships that have no future, despite love.

Man and woman remembering about heart

Remember to live the past again

It has happened to me, and I see myself in time rescuing from oblivion someone who seems to always be there , who emerges in my days of nostalgia, in my days of enthusiasm. This is because when I feel sad I would like to go back to those days when I felt especially happy … And when I feel overflowing with happiness, I would also like to return to the days when I could smile with that someone who is no longer there.

I feel connected to a thousand stories that I know through life. More than one love has overwhelmed someone, leaving a memory that at times, we humans are, we would like to leave behind … What is the use of remembering? Maybe it won’t do any good, but … Remembering is living again , someone told me days ago, and it’s true … Haven’t you seen yourself remembering something with such a feeling? Determined to retake that special moment, that smile, or that happy or perhaps unhappy memory …

The trace of memory

Animated woman with heart

Life with its accelerated routine constantly keeps me away from those reflections, but I am not afraid to say that it is not that I forget or have forgotten … It is, in this case, thinking without thinking about who you have loved … Why? Why reflect over and over again on what happened, on what was left behind and will not return? Sometimes I think that I insist on it, that  we insist on it because we secretly long for those very especially happy days. Days with someone who will always seem to us, even in the distance of time, very important and that life seems to have taken from us.

Remembering is sometimes the pleasure of feeling in love again as we once were. It is the sometimes unacknowledged desire to take up the things that were our life and that because they were important we remember them over and over again. Because it is true, nothing burns into our hearts more than that love that we could not retain.

A new beginning

Although it seems that it is not like that, the memory can help to face the future. Because the memory must be assimilated as part of the experience that will make us grow as people. Assuming the past does not mean forgetting it, it means learning from it.

The past cannot be changed, but it can be the basis to enjoy and control our present and to build a better future that makes us happier. Therefore,  remembering is not bad, as long as it does not prevent us from moving forward.


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