6 Quick Ways To Simplify Your Life

Simplifying, in whatever way it can be considered, is always a good thing. On the emotional level, it will allow us to free ourselves from unnecessary tensions. To achieve this, we give you some practical tips below.
6 quick ways to simplify your life

Simplifying is important. Everything that enters our life or our mind, however simple it may seem, contributes to that physical and emotional disorder that drains our time, our energy and our motivation. Complicating life does not make our actions more valuable, it only adds stress and tension.

This disorder makes us feel overwhelmed, that we are not able to think and / or understand our priorities and that we are not able to relax to release stress.  Under these conditions we also become less able to make good decisions, which makes it more likely that we will give rise to other additional problems.

Simplifying can help reduce this stress disorder

Get in touch with your values

Sometimes, we make life so complicated that we forget what our values ​​really are, our aspirations, what we really care about. I suggest you make a list of the values ​​that you consider fundamental and the things that are really important to you.

With the list in mind, review all the activities that fill your day to day. Consider simplifying or eliminating activities that are not in line with your values and get rid of those that are against you.

Visualize the life you want

Imagine the life you want, focusing on the wishes that now seem the most difficult to achieve. Do it looking for a realistic and exciting image. When you’re done, review your list of daily activities and eliminate those that don’t add anything to your vision. Also think about what you need to incorporate.

Woman thinking about the life she wants

List the benefits of removing leftovers

Many people find it very difficult to get rid of what is complicating their lives. They feel tied and alienated. They only think about what they will lose if they do. But what about the benefits it will bring you? The time and space left by what you eliminate will leave you time for other things and, above all, it will allow you to carry out the rest of the activities with better results.

If you have done the previous exercises well, you will also find that you waste a lot of time with the excuse that you are stressed, that you need to rest. All those procrastinating activities are also superfluous, and eliminating them will allow you to do more productive and interesting things for your physical and emotional health.

Make a plan to be more effective

One of the things that complicates our lives the most is multitasking, which is not as effective as many think. Doing many things at the same time complicates us a lot. It is much more effective to simplify the tasks by doing them one at a time, streamlining and combining the activities.

Light bulb between papers

The key to success is pairing a thought-intensive activity with one that is more physical  or can be done automatically. By alternating between one and the other, the mind can rest and be fresher for the next activity.

Make a shortcut plan

Things have no more value because you do them in the most traditional or manual way. If technology can help you or hiring an external service can save you time and energy, take advantage of them.

Head with wheels and mechanisms

Don’t give problems more importance than they have

Have you ever stopped to think that most of what you consider vital problems in reality are not, or that the solution may be simpler than the one you propose? Why do many people insist on taking the more tortuous path instead of the easier one?

Most of what you consider a problem is something created by someone else based on their own interests. Even if you really have to fix it, the world is not going to end because of it, nor is it going to stop while you do it. This is even more complicated if you insist on solving all your problems at once or looking for problems where they exist.

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