5 Phrases For Friends

Friendship is an essential ingredient of good mental health. We can reaffirm these links with actions, but also with words. That is why today we want to share with you some phrases
5 phrases for friends

People need others. Our relationships with others enhance self-esteem, improve mood, and help us cope with adversity. Therefore, having a true friendship is an invaluable privilege. If you want to express your affection and gratitude to any of them but do not know how to do it, we show you some phrases for friends that will help you.

Friendship goes far beyond a circumstantial meeting, it is a deep and significant bond. A friend is not the one with whom you meet in the study center or in the workplace, she is the one who deliberately chooses you to share your free time.

They are not the one who turns to you to satisfy a selfish need but the one who genuinely appreciates you, cares about you, and offers selfless support. If you have such a person in your life, feel free to remind them how much you appreciate them.

Phrases for friends that describe this wonderful bond

Embraced friends representing 83 short and beautiful friendship phrases to dedicate

Life takes many turns, but a real friend does it all with you

Each person has their own path and, throughout the years, we all go through different life circumstances. However, when a friendship is true, it remains and accompanies you in every step, being that compass that helps you find the north regardless of the direction you take. Changes of residence, courtships, breakups, happy times and gray days … no matter what happens in your life, the friendship will continue unchanged.

A good friend is the one who criticizes you head on and defends you behind your back

Loving a person does not imply always agreeing with their opinions, decisions and actions. One of the most important roles of a friendship is to help us see our mistakes and shadows, but to do it with love and respect.

Thus, a true friend is able to expose her opinion to you, even if it contradicts yours, and to do so while looking you in the eye. However, when you are not present, her loyalty will be a maximum and you can count on her to defend you from whoever wants to attack you.

True friendship is not about being inseparable, but about being able to be apart without anything changing

Friendship is not self-serving or opportunistic, it does not hold up only when the other person serves us for a purpose and fades when it is no longer useful to us. Many individuals are faced at some point with the sad reality that when they are not always available to their friends, they decide to replace them or stop having them.

However, a true friend will want to hear from you even from a distance, she will understand your commitments and will make a gap in her schedule to meet you again whenever possible. And, when that time comes, you will feel that nothing has changed.

In the stories you are rescued by a prince. In real life, a friend.

We are increasingly aware that no woman, just because she is, is fragile, helpless and in need of someone to come to her rescue. However, the shadow of that traditional idea still remains in which only life as a couple can make us feel complete.

Because of this, many women cling to destructive relationships and are devastated when they end. It is in those moments when the friends arrive to put the pieces back together and rebuild what you once were, to remind you of your courage and bravery and encourage you to fight for yourself.

A good friend is one who gives you advice for hours, even knowing that you are not going to follow any

We have all fallen into this dynamic at times; and it is that we need to open our eyes for ourselves to decide to change, and nothing they tell us will be enough without our conviction.

Still, sharing fears and concerns and hearing a loving and honest opinion is comforting. In addition, they tend to remain in our memory, appearing when we really need them.

Girlfriends talking outdoors

Make use of these phrases for friends whenever you need it

There are certain dates when we want to express affection to our loved ones. However, even if it is not Christmas or a birthday, it is always positive to remind others how important they are to us; and, putting it into words makes this manifestation much more tangible and permanent over time.

Therefore, do not hesitate to dedicate any of these phrases to friends whenever you feel the need to thank her for her presence in your life.

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