If You Want Something, Let It Fly

When we don’t feel capable of being happy on our own, we cling to people and situations. Let go of fear and take care of yourself.
If you want something, let it fly

Everyone knows the famous phrase: “if you love something, let it fly “. This expression generates rejection in many people because it is often misunderstood. It is not easy to extract the essence, the powerful teaching that hides this statement. So often wrong meanings are assumed such as “stop trying” or “turn the other cheek.”

Nothing is further from reality. If we analyze in depth we will verify that the message invites us to security and confidence in ourselves. It urges us to act mature and stop clinging so we can be happy.

Abundance or lack?

When we find the job of our dreams, wonderful friends or a great partner, we feel happy. It is logical to feel grateful for having these people and opportunities. And, of course, it is human to wish them to last in time. All this arises from an inner feeling of abundance: “how full I feel with what is in my life.”

The difficulty appears when we approach situations from lack: “if I lose that job it will be a catastrophe”, “if my partner breaks up my life will be empty”. When we move from fear and from inner emptiness, the natural impulse is to cling to that which gives us the happiness that we do not have for ourselves.

Chains transforming into flying birds

Holding on causes pain

This leads us to live in constant anguish and an omnipresent fear that something we have will disappear. In the first place, it prevents us from fully enjoying the presence of these positive people and situations. But, in addition, it leads us to deploy an arsenal of unhealthy behaviors aimed at preventing something from changing.

Those who cling to their work can dedicate 10 hours a day to it, at the cost of their health and of giving up the rest of the plots of their life. Whoever clings to his partner will suffocate her, demanding constant displays of affection and loyalty. The person who clings to their friends will use emotional blackmail and manipulation to ensure that they remain by their side.

Ironically, it is these same behaviors that end up making the worst prophecies come true : the boss stops respecting and valuing your work because you haven’t done it yourself. Your partner feels that you steal their freedom and decides to leave and your friends get tired of relating to you in such a forced way.

When your greatest fears have been fulfilled, frustration reaches heights and fear takes hold of you. You are left only to the voids that you desperately tried to fill from the outside. And you have no choice but to face the reality that only you can fill them.

Let it fly because you trust yourself

The first thing to understand is that the inability to let go is born of fear. Fear of being alone, of the inability to be happy for oneself, of the feeling of not being valid enough. If we want to relate to others from respect and freedom, we have to work on our self-esteem.

Anyone who feels confident in his worth and abilities does not need to retain anyone. He does not leave his health in a job, he does not bear disrespect for fear of abandonment and does not pressure anyone to remain in his life. On the contrary, he knows that his presence is a gift and not an imposition.

Whoever loves himself focuses solely on his own personal development. He understands that whoever should be in his life will be there of his own free will and that he does not need anyone to feel good: he has let go of fear.

Senior woman with open arms and smiling

However, “let it fly” does not mean “let go of the reins of your life.” If you like your job, continue training to be up to date and do your best, but without exceeding your own limits. If you appreciate your friends and love your partner, take care of the relationship, show interest but in a mature way. May your actions be motivated by abundance and not by lack. 

May the time you invest in all areas of your life be because you enjoy them and not because you fear losing them. Letting fly means working to make your life and yourself in such pleasant places that you do not need to force anyone to be in them. And you do not need anyone to be in them because you are already happy there.

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