The 4 Best Lessons From Frida Khalo To Release Frustrations And Live

Few artists explored and portrayed suffering as well on canvas as Frida Khalo did. Despite all the hard experiences he went through, he was able to leave us valuable lessons for improvement. We analyze them.
Frida Kahlo's lessons for self-improvement

Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement are nourished by a vital story in which pain was her eternal leitmotif . His work and his unique artistic legacy leaves no one indifferent, because in his canvases, halfway between cubism and surrealism, they are a perfect exercise in self-exploration and a reflection of suffering. Both physical and emotional.

The personal struggles he had to face trace one of those stories in which there are only two options. Despair or survival. Frida went through both and transformed them into art to be able to move on, to find a meaning and, in turn, a nook to release her frustrations, her anger, her terror and grief.

Possibly one of the most striking paintings by this artist is undoubtedly Henry Ford Hospital. This work was painted when he suffered one of the 4 abortions that he would suffer throughout his life.

In this painting, we see her lying on a hospital bed, bleeding. Around him floats a fetus, an orthopedic cast, a giant snail and a human hip, his perhaps, symbolizing the limitations of his body to bring a child into the world.

The teachings that he left us through each painting and each word are a whole melting pot of knowledge to reflect on.

Image representing Frida Kahlo's lessons for self-improvement

Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement

Her biographers say that Frida Kahlo was born with spina bifida and hence her early problems with her spine. At the age of 6 he was diagnosed with polio, something that caused him chronic pain for life, as well as a childhood of periodic confinement at home because of his health problems.

Later, and already 18 years old, he would suffer that fatal accident on the tram that would mark his existence forever. Broken pelvis, ribs, leg, clavicle … He spent two months in the hospital and as many at home trying to recover.

However, that event definitively sentenced Frida Kahlo’s life. They say that pain sculpts and shapes character, that people are transformed when physical and emotional suffering makes us captive. In the case of the famous Mexican artist, it was.

She spent weeks tied to her plaster corset, on her bed, with her lectern and her painting mirror. This situation was not new for her, she already knew the isolation and loneliness of periods of convalescence. She was a recurring tenant inside a wounded, sick and broken body, which did not prevent her from finding a channel to survive: art, painting and also love. Diego Rivera’s.

Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement start from all that life’s journey that little by little would end up tracing the trail of one of the most famous artistic and social icons of all time. Let’s get to know that legacy.

Beyond suffering is the mind that can be free

With this phrase, Frida Kahlo reminded us that the mind transcends the body. It is true that we are often captives of the latter, that pain has the ability to seize us, to place our feet on the ground and gaze at the wound to see and remember it over and over again.

Now, beyond our feet, beyond even the skin, is the imagination and also those universes where we can capture every emotion and need: art.

Wisdom as an existential goal

Fate sometimes has a real bear trap prepared for us to become. We fall into it and then everything hurts and suffering determines our existence. One of Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement is knowing how to go beyond pain, loss or even happiness.

Because the most relevant thing is to allow us to acquire wisdom on the journey of life. And the more the merrier. Because it is not about something else, human beings have the ability to transcend beyond ordinary things to achieve something extraordinary.

Sometimes, and despite adversity and the blows of fate that no one expects, people manage to move forward with resilience, with plenty of courage.

Drawing representing Frida Kahlo's lessons for self-improvement

Find your purpose

Among Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement, we find the one that undoubtedly defined what we remember about her: her work. Painting set her free. Picking up the brush, his canvases and paint from his bed was a way of traveling without wings or motor. Also to escape.

He didn’t need more, just his art and a mirror. At the end of the day, she herself was his model becauseā€¦ Who should she paint if not the most well-known person in the world?

She found the mechanism to give meaning and purpose to her existence. Art nurtured her and released her at the same time. Taking the brush and self-exploring his wounded body and filtering it through cubism or surrealism allowed him to free himself, rediscover and define himself in the plastic universe.

Having a passion, a purpose and, above all, making use of the creative channel in our life to channel thoughts, emotions and desires, makes everything easier.

Frida Kahlo’s lessons for self-improvement: silencing what hurts makes us sick

We have all done it at some time: silence what hurts so that it hurts less. And yet the formula still doesn’t work despite the years and multiple attempts. It is useless to be a great architect in building walls and walls to hide suffering and misery behind them.

In the end everything surfaces and, if it does not, it deforms our character and extinguishes all sense of illusion and attempt to believe in hope. What we keep silent makes us sick or limits us. So the best thing is to sanitize spaces and release what hurts.

Speaking assertively and untangling those emotional knots through words, respect and closeness will be a great relief.

To conclude, few figures in the art world remain so eternal and admired. Frida Kahlo never wanted to be identified with pain; his art is the faithful reflection of who makes use of it to find meaning in his own life. An example of inspiration.

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