Use And Abuse Of Anxiolytics And Hypnotics

Anxiolytics and hypnotics are drugs that are regularly prescribed for situations of anxiety and insomnia in adults. Do you know the side effects of the use and abuse of these drugs? We will tell you.
Use and abuse of anxiolytics and hypnotics

Anxiolytics and hypnotics are currently very frequently prescribed drugs. In fact, since 2000, a fairly significant increase in its consumption has been observed. Medications from the benzodiazepine group are among the most used by the adult population.

The rational use of drugs is a fundamental issue that must be paid attention to, especially when we talk about psychotropic drugs. Many of these drugs have significant adverse reactions that should not be ignored. In addition, patients are sometimes unaware of these side effects.

The consumption of this type of drug for long periods of time can lead to a situation of significant dependency. What begins as a low-dose prescription for a specific and specific situation, often ends up influencing the quality of life of patients, both physically and psychologically.


What are anxiolytics and hypnotics?

Anxiolytics and hypnotics are a group of central nervous system depressant psychotropic drugs. They are used primarily to treat symptoms caused by anxiety, as well as to cope with insomnia.

What they cause in the body is a decrease in the functions of the nervous system, which are slowed down. This makes the symptoms of anxiety disappear, but it also affects other brain functions, such as reaction to stimuli or coordination.

Benzodiazepines are the best known group of anxiolytics. They can be classified into different types according to the duration of their effect:

  • There are long-lasting ones, such as diazepam or bromazepam.
  • Others are shorter in duration, such as alprazolam or lorazepam.

The most commonly used drugs in this group are alprazolam, lorazepam, and lormetazepam. Unfortunately, these days, they are used quickly as a solution to the stress inherent in our rhythm of life. However, their effects can be seriously detrimental if misused. That is why it is important to know them.

Consequences of the abuse of anxiolytics and hypnotics

As we have said, these drugs are regularly prescribed for situations of anxiety and insomnia in adults. They are effective and safe in short-term treatments, but when the duration of their use is lengthened, unwanted effects appear. Among them we find the following:

  • Increased falls and fractures.
  • Risk of development of cognitive impairment and dementia.
  • Appearance of tolerance and dependence
  • Worsening of anxiety, paradoxically.

These effects can appear even with therapeutic doses. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the prescription indications on the duration of treatment. That is, they should not be used for more than 4 weeks in insomnia, or 12 weeks in anxiety.

This time, in addition, must include a withdrawal pattern; that is, a progressive reduction of the dose when the treatment has been long. If symptoms persist, it is necessary to raise the need for alternative treatments or complementary therapeutic strategies.

Adverse effects can arise both from inappropriate use of the drug by the patient, and from an inappropriate prescription from the doctor. Sometimes, the patients themselves insist that the professional prescribe these drugs continuously. Other times, doctors prescribe them too easily.

The reality is that  in routine practice these limited periods of time are not met  in treatment with these psychotropic drugs. Much of the older population consumes benzodiazepines on a daily basis. Unfortunately, in addition, it is these patients who are most at risk of suffering from the aforementioned adverse effects.

Likewise, an increase in non-prescription consumption has also been detected in young people who use these drugs as recreational drugs. This is due, in part, to the ease of access to these drugs that exists today and to their excessive prescription, sometimes unnecessary.

Hand with benzodiazepines

Rational use of medicines

Ultimately, the abuse or misuse of any drug has negative consequences, especially for the patient, but also for the whole of society, as a consequence. All of us, in part, can help to make a rational use of medicines.

In particular, anxiolytics and hypnotics are drugs that can cause serious side effects if not used correctly. It is essential to always follow the specialist’s instructions and not self-medicate on our own.

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