8 Ways That Bringing Out Your Inner Child Will Make You Happier

8 ways bringing out your inner child will make you happier

Childhood is a time of life that we usually remember fondly. The reason is that, when we are children, we have an inexhaustible source of enthusiasm ; Any object can become a toy, any activity, an adventure. Where is that inner child?

Over time, we become adults, stress and responsibilities take over our lives, and we often forget to save time to play, to connect with our inner child.

It is important to shake hands with that child in all of us. Some studies show that spending time in recreational activities, which do not involve responsibility or competitiveness, but disinhibition and play, is related to higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress.

To do this, we bring you 8 different ways to bring out the inner child that we carry within:


Perhaps you are familiar with the phenomenon of mandala coloring books, if not, ask at your nearest bookstore and you will be amazed.

It is not a simple passing fad, but when we color, we plunge into a state of concentration and disconnection from day-to-day problems that helps reduce stress.

Coloring mandala

To play outdoors

Children, especially outdoors, run, jump, and climb everything they encounter. However, as adults, what we do in nature is usually more passive: we eat outdoors, we may walk and, in some cases, we practice extreme sports.

Although all these activities are beneficial, the key at this point is to do more unstructured activities, which break with our routine and put the body in unusual situations, to practice skills such as balance.

That is why it is good to climb trees, swing, jump rope, etc., because they are unusual physical states.

These practices and games not only de-stress and awaken forgotten areas of our brain, but, once in practice, they release endorphins, excite us and connect with our adventurous side.


Daydreaming is the equivalent of taking time to ourselves, with nothing to do, in which we let our minds wander.

It can be in any situation: lying in the park, taking a bath or simply sitting on the sofa at home looking out the window.

The key is not to feel guilty for “wasting time” and to spend some time leaving our conscience at ease, taking it away from the flow of continuous day-to-day responsibilities.

Daydreaming not only gives us a break, but is also a good mechanism to enhance creativity. Often, when we let ideas wander at random, they rearrange themselves and make connections that allow us to see reality, the problems at hand, in a different way.


Speaking of creativity, any activity related to it is a perfect stimulant for positive moods. It is proven that people with a creative hobby are less stressed while practicing it.

Children color, make cutouts, macaroni necklaces, puzzles … The important thing here is to unleash our creativity, our desire to produce something, even if it will not bring any material benefit and even, even if we think we are not good at it. .

Do you like to cook, knit, draw, build models? Whatever comes to mind, the important thing is to work with our hands on activities that help us take life less seriously, at least for a while. Let your inner child out!


Children are much more uninhibited in physical contact. Unfortunately, as we get older, we put more physical barriers between us.

But hugging, shaking hands, showing affection to our loved ones through contact is a source of happiness.

Boy sitting hugging girl at sunset


Or sleep well, in general. Sometimes we sacrifice the hours of sleep to be able to carry out all the activities that we propose, but sleeping well and resting the body and mind is essential for health, both physical and mental.

When we sleep we regenerate and it is the only way to reach an optimal state of energy to face the challenges of day to day. Sometimes a nap can be a way to renew your strength for the rest of the day.

So don’t think that when you sleep you are wasting your time, you are actually investing in yourself.

Not be afraid of being wrong

We do not stop learning throughout life. Therefore, it is normal that we make mistakes again and again. It is part of the journey and of learning!

For some reason, as adults we tend to see mistakes as failures and not as parts of the way, which causes the fear of making mistakes to often paralyze us and distance us from our desires and goals.

In short, whenever you can, get rid of your prejudices, play, run, jump, lose your balance and do activities without any practical or economic purpose, you will see how you recover part of the illusion and enthusiasm that you will surely remember as a treasure of the childhood.

That inner child in you is waiting for you to shake your hand to go out and have fun. Going back to childhood is not a sign of immaturity, quite the contrary! It is key at times to maintain comprehensive physical and psychological health. Reconcile with him!

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