I Choose Who I Want In My Life

I choose who I want in my life

I stay with you because you wanted to be when even I did not want to be with myself.  You have accompanied me in my darkest moments when my back was turned. I choose you in my life because you make me be a better person, because I don’t know how to laugh or cry with anyone else as I do by your side.

The truth is that I choose you because I decide who to have around, because it is already known that it is one of the few things on which we really have freedom. And, for me, nothing makes me happier than sharing my life with the people I want to have by my side.

Couple in love

I stay with who wants to stay

One of the reasons I choose my life for you is because you have shown me that you want to stay in it. Perhaps even that is the most important thing: no one can fill us more than someone who wants to do it honestly. When we meet new people we never know what space they will occupy in our day to day life, but we soon understand that every detail counts to stay or to leave.

That is why I am sure that I am not wrong about you: you arrived without making too much noise and wanting to meet me and then show me that I should leave you with me, demanding only that in exchange for taking care of us, in exchange for accompanying us both in the best moments and in the bad.

Let go who wants to go

Contrary to what happened to me with you, I also choose who should not be in my life or I try to leave to myself the decision to forgive, if necessary, or to let go or not. What happens is that nothing in our life is a certainty, much less our relationships : nobody can assure us that the biological family that we have, for example, will be who we will call family later.

When you realize this, growing up is precisely surviving it: deep down, the people who love us are really the family we have, the one we choose or the one we allow to be. To the rest of the people who come across in my life and who suppose toxic relationships that do not bring us anything, it is better to let them go, because  there is no better gift for those who are leaving than knowing how to lose them .

Lovers saying goodbye

I am happy with the people around me

The advantage of making decisions is that we can eradicate many things that harm us. The same thing happens with people: deciding with whom you want to share your life allows you to bet on your happiness, by staying with those who make your life stronger and more joyful.

  • It is necessary to always choose those people who hug in good times and bad, those who enjoy your victories and share your defeats. The biggest advantage of having who you love by your side is not knowing who gains the most from the relationship.
  • I’m happy like that and that’s why I encourage you to do it, to run away from people who give you bad vibes and surround yourself with friends who really love you and who enjoy life. Remind them several times a day how important they are to you if necessary and show them that you can be important to them too.
  • Do not let time pass without making the decision to love yourself and let yourself be loved : choose, choose who deserves to be there and take care of them forever.
  • Never forget that many times it is easy to stay with a bad action and not remember all the good things that a person has done for us. Dare to have the courage to forgive if you really want to have that person in your life and give them a chance: you decide.

Image courtesy of Pascal Campion

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