Go And Do It

Indecision can sometimes paralyze us. However, taking risks is always positive, because whether we succeed or fail, we will have learned.
Go ahead and do it

For some people choosing, moving forward, taking risks, and being proactive are extremely difficult tasks. Fear, low self-esteem and intolerance to uncertainty are just some of the reasons that keep us static, prisoners of indecision and stuck in a place that does not make us happy. So if you find yourself again facing one of these situations just go ahead and do it.

You may have been insecure and fearful your whole life, seeing opportunities pass before your eyes and unable to grasp them when they pass before you. Firmness and determination are skills that are also trained. For this reason, if you want to change your reality, we invite you to start today.

How do you know if you should take a risk?

Jumping into the pool without knowing if it is full of water is undoubtedly scary. In the same way, making decisions in our life can seem, many times, an unacceptable risk. And indeed, acting is not always the most prudent thing to do, since each of our actions carries consequences.

Thus, the first step in deciding whether to leap into the void is to ask yourself why you are doing it. Is there really something that you long for, that you genuinely want to obtain? Or are you simply letting yourself be carried away by the advice, expectations, and impositions of others?

Always keep in mind that the only one who will face the consequences of your actions will be yourself. So you risked only for your own goals. If you decide to follow someone else’s opinion and it goes wrong, it will not be that other who faces failure, it will be you.

Making mistakes is human and assuming defeat is a natural part of life as long as it comes from your own decisions. If you fail in the attempt after launching yourself to pursue what someone else asked you to follow, you will fall prey to frustration, but also to rancor and resentment towards that other person.

Go do it – it’s worth a try

However, once you have determined that what you doubt is a genuinely desire of yours, go ahead and do it. There are a number of good reasons to do so.

He doesn’t already have it

It may sound cliché but it is completely real. When we analyze whether launching ourselves in search of what we want to obtain many times, what stops us is the fear of no. What if I go to the interview and they do not give me the job? What if I confess my feelings and it is not reciprocal? What will happen if I move and everything goes wrong and I have to return?

We are scared to ask the question for fear that the answer is no, but in reality it is not the state in which we live and in which we will remain if we do not risk. If you do not go to the interview it is certain that you will not get the job, if you do not declare yourself sure that you will remain single. The difference is that, if you take a risk, there is an option to yes; meanwhile, if you don’t, he is not inescapable.

You may fear facing failure. Well, finally, if you remain as you are, there is no option to fail. However, you have to understand that failure is part of the process, something we all go through. It has nothing dramatic and if a lot didactic. Do not fear the fall because from it you will learn to get up. 

Go and do it, so next time it will be much easier

Another really important point is that the only way to learn to be decisive is to make decisions. The first time it might cost you a world. Perhaps the fear is almost paralyzing. Still go and do it; and if you are afraid, do it with fear. Well with each attempt it will become easier.

Every step you dare to take will strengthen your self-esteem and your self-confidence. If you succeed, you will feel more capable and prepared, you will fill your backpack with successes that will remind you of your qualities.

But, even if you risk and lose, you will be winning, because you will give yourself the opportunity to verify that you are capable of facing adversity. In this way, the next decision will be much easier to make, since you will have the certainty that, even if it goes wrong, you will be able to move forward. Then do not hesitate: go and do it.

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