The Prejudice Trap

Prejudices are very common and sometimes low-key. However, the damage they can do to you or to another person is very great. Find out how to identify and deal with them below.
The prejudice trap

Prejudice is a previous image that we have of something or someone. An image that is not positive at all and that conditions us to see that or that person in a certain way.

Normally, from a young age, the place where we are born causes us to acquire certain prejudices that we install in our mind and of which we are not even aware, at times.

What prejudices do we have implanted in our mind and perhaps we are completely unaware of? For example, “all men are equal” or “blondes are dumb.” You may wonder if you really have these prejudices, but when you talk and interact with others, they probably come out without you being aware of it.

Free yourself from prejudices!

keys that represent our prejudices

Getting rid of prejudices is not an easy thing, since they are so internalized and we are continually exposed to them, that it is almost a difficult fight to win. Of course, nothing is impossible.

What we must be clear about is that prejudices limit us. As people, they prevent us from opening our minds completely that we can really be “free” of thought.

As the very definition of “prejudice” says, it is based on presupposing and prejudging something that you do not really know! It is something terribly absurd. The truth is that owning and maintaining prejudices in our mind means 2 things:

  • To take something for granted or known without having reasons or grounds for it.
  • We make and presuppose value judgments in a negative way.

Isn’t it the same when we judge a person before we meet him? And has it ever happened to you that you have been surprised to discover that you were not what you thought you were? So it is with prejudices. It is not good to think badly ahead of time, this fills us with negativity.

Despite knowing all this and observing how ridiculous it can be, it is still very difficult to get rid of those prejudices that have lodged in our minds, perhaps forever.

Drop the traps

As we have said, it is difficult, but not impossible, to end prejudices or at least keep them at bay even if they do not want to. We must follow certain guidelines to end the traps of prejudice, to make them fall and not be fooled by them.

Because prejudices deceive us, they make us see a reality that is not correct. They make us believe that what we presuppose is true and we are already conditioned in this way when we go through a neighborhood or when we meet someone. These guidelines will help you stop and think before making a wrong judgment about something or someone. Enough of prejudice!

  • Take your time : if you don’t know someone, what’s the use of judging them before you meet them? Give yourself some time before thinking anything negative. Your prejudices will start to fall.
  • Always be sincere : perhaps your closest friends or your family members have made you see someone in a certain way by establishing a prejudice about that person. If there is something that is eating you inside, ask that person what you doubt, be honest! Never take anything for granted.
  • Be clear and seek clarity : people may want to blur your vision of others, to their own advantage. So, first of all, seek clarity, seek your own perception. Don’t get carried away by what others can see. Keeping an open mind will be the key.
  • Always be forewarned : keep in mind “never do what you do not like to be done to you” a very important phrase that will help you fight against prejudice.
  • Equality exists : no one will be the same in the way they dress, be or act. Do not be the judge of others, because we are different! Accept this and stop prejudging.

Have you felt identified with prejudices? Have you ever tried to remove them? We live conditioned and that is something we must assume, but knowing prejudices will allow us to understand and counteract them.

Nobody deserves to be prejudged beforehand, you surely don’t like that. So get your willpower and fight the trap of prejudice. It is time to eliminate them completely.

The prejudice trap


Images courtesy of June Leeloo

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