Megarexia: Obese People Who Look Thin

Megarexia: obese people who look thin

Anorexia and bulimia are the most common and well-known eating disorders (EDs). But there are other disorders belonging to this group that are still largely unknown to society and that still do not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) or in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). As is the case with megarexia.

When we talk about megarexia, we are talking about a disorder completely opposite to anorexia nervosa and that produces serious and terrible consequences for the body of the person who suffers from it. 

Megarexia: obese people who look thin

The term “megarexia” is a neologism created by the doctor and nutritionist Jaime Brugos, who used it for the first time in his book “Isoprotein Diet” in 1992. This term defines people who believe they are thin and healthy, although in actually suffer from obesity.

In general, those who suffer megarexia do not accept criticism in relation to the type of life they lead, or the diet they follow, becoming hostile and showing an irrational hatred towards themselves and their environment.


What are the characteristics of megarexia?

People with megarexia are characterized by experiencing:

  • Alteration or distortion of their own body image: they suffer a marked distortion of their body scheme, something very common in eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. These people do not perceive reality when looking in the mirror. Although they have some moments of lucidity where they are aware of their problem, without accepting it. Many times, they see reality in the photographs, which is why they do not usually allow themselves to be photographed, since then they do not identify with the image taken. In addition, they do not usually like to go shopping, because when they try on clothes of their size they feel confused, sad and frustrated.
  • Symptoms of malnutrition: Although it may seem strange, they present symptoms of malnutrition such as dizziness, lack of energy, low blood pressure and anemia. Which is due to the shortage of essential nutrients in the body due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, following a hypercaloric diet, mainly rich in fat and carbohydrates. Fast food, industrial pastries, fried foods, nuts, and any food rich in “empty calories” are the basis of their diet.
  • Bad mood:   they become hostile, intransigent, conflictive and even ill-mannered, showing hatred towards themselves and towards the world.

What causes megarexia and what consequences can it have for the body?

The lack of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals and amino acids) that characterizes patients affected by megarexia, causes an alteration in the brain at a biochemical level. This causes the characteristic distortion of the self-image and, therefore, the non-acceptance of the problem they suffer.

In addition, by following a hypercaloric diet, fundamentally rich in fats and carbohydrates, they tend to develop diseases such as anemia, apneas, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. In the most severe cases, it can even lead to death.

How to help these people?

In the first place, the acceptance of the problem by the person who suffers it is essential. She must recognize and assume that she is obese and that she suffers from a psychological disorder that does not allow her to see reality.

In cases of megarexia, the role played by the environment closest to the patient is essential. The confrontation with reality must be carried out:

  • With great tact.
  • Always remembering that it is a person who suffers from a disorder, and not someone who has voluntarily abandoned himself.

The person affected by this disorder, needs to undergo medical and nutritional treatments, carrying out constant monitoring of them.

Like all eating disorders, it can be largely prevented by establishing healthy lifestyle habits from childhood. Routines in which sports, a balanced diet and emotional health are the basis.

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