Attitude Is Contagious: Surround Yourself With Whoever Brings Out The Best In You

Attitude is contagious: surround yourself with whoever brings out the best in you

If attitude is the most important thing we wear,  then take good care that no one denies your purposes and that no one uses your strengths and borders of hope as “impossible”. Do not allow them to undo your yearnings by making you believe that “you are not worth, you cannot or you do not deserve.” Our attitude represents a very important percentage of our ability to influence what happens to us, so don’t do it, don’t let them steal your best dress.

Something that undoubtedly draws the attention of many of the self-help books that we find today is that they try to guide us towards success, towards that external triumph where sooner or later we are recognized by others for our worth, for our skills and abilities. . Now, it should be clarified:  rather than “external success” what we want to achieve is internal calm.

Skills add up, there is no doubt, showing that we can do a specific task well is very rewarding, it is true. However, what “multiplies” are the attitudes, because they are the ones that make the difference between a good day and a bad day, they are the ones that give us optimism when everything is against us, they are the ones that allow us to believe in ourselves when others dare to belittle us as Lilliput characters.

“Yes, I am worth it, I DO know how to do it and I do deserve it” are undoubtedly those three roots that should nurture our daily attitude, the one with which we should have breakfast every morning with our coffee and our toasts. However, there are times when the negative, defeatist or even toxic mentality of some people around us can certainly weaken that golden focus until it becomes stormy …

Woman lying in the field happy

Your attitude: a personal decision

The editorial supply on books of happiness and personal growth doubles every year. However, the WHO already warns us that in a short time, depression will be the number one health and disability problem in the world. Likewise, we educate our children to be competent in science, mathematics, the use of technology and even the language of programming, but we forget to teach them to tolerate frustration, to manage their emotional universes, their rages, his sadness …

Nobody explains to us what is that of attitudes, or how to do that other of “believing in ourselves. We do not know because the only thing they have taught us in school is to know how to identify the subject and the predicate of a sentence, to get the least common multiple or to believe that it is enough to be good, respectful and get good grades for happiness to appear by itself, like the promise to a contract that we signed from a very young age.

However, sooner or later we discover that our good intentions are not enough for success. We realize that if someone does not believe in us we go out like a candle beaten by a cold wind.

We also perceive that society offers us a good education, but postpones our opportunities by plunging us into a waiting room where nothing arrives. And there, we get together with others who are also waiting, others who infect us with their malnourished hopes, their defeatism, their empty self-esteem of cut and paste.

Sooner or later, we realize that we are “sick”, infected by discouragement and passivity, clouded by a mind that has been carried away by the automatic pilot of other people’s negativity.

In the end, we perceive that the attitude is nothing more than a personal decision, the one that starts us from some barren and desolate gardens where nothing grows, to remember that we do not deserve to be there, that we have to combine courage, energy and courage to find what we need. really.

The three components of a strong and courageous attitude

It is often said that, to those who with their square mentality and their approaches full of edges, they do nothing more than wire our dreams, storms to our sunny days.

Happy woman outdoors

Be that as it may, what we must be clear about is that attitude is a personal value to work on daily. Because when we least expect it, it can falter or worse, it can be weakened by the harmful influence of those third parties.

Thus, it never hurts to remember which three components sustain, shape and nurture strong attitudes:

  • Commitment: a good attitude requires a firm commitment in ourselves and in our purposes, in those goals, values ​​or objectives that are valuable to us.
  • Self-control: to achieve a dream, to achieve that precious purpose we must assume control over our own reality, over everything that happens. If we make a mistake, the obligation to rectify is ours. We will not put any responsibility on other people, we will always assume an active, positive and courageous attitude.

The last link that makes up our attitudes is challenge. It is an aspect that we cannot neglect, because life will always put before us ten, one hundred, two hundred daily challenges. .. These tests must be seen as challenges to learn from in order to invest in our personal growth, in our life baggage, there where to feel authentic protagonists of one’s own well-being achieved.

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