Basic Skills For Successful Conflict Resolution

Basic skills for successful conflict resolution

Successful conflict resolution basically depends on the ability to regulate stress and the ability to control emotions. Learning to resolve conflicts in a healthy way will increase the understanding of the other, build trust and strengthen the relationship, whatever it is.

But in order to reach a healthy and successful resolution of the conflict, it is essential to manage stress and get to know yourself. When people do not recognize their own feelings and are carried away by stress, attention can only be paid to a very limited number of emotions. Furthermore, under these conditions, people are not able to understand even their own needs, which will make it much more difficult to communicate with others.

For this reason, to successfully resolve a conflict, it is necessary to learn and practice two essential basic skills: the ability to quickly reduce stress when necessary and the ability to remain comfortable enough with one’s own emotions to react constructively. , even in the middle of an argument.

Quickly Reduce Stress: The First Pillar of Conflict Resolution

Woman managing her stress to resolve conflict

Being able to manage and relieve stress in the moment is the key to staying balanced and focused, and to staying in control. People who are unable to maintain control over themselves feel overwhelmed in conflict situations and are unable to respond in a healthy way.

Stress interferes with the ability to resolve conflicts by limiting the ability to accurately read the other’s non-verbal communication, the ability to hear what the other is actually saying, the ability to be aware of one’s own feelings, the ability to know one’s own needs and the ability to clearly communicate what one needs.

The best way to quickly and reliably relieve and reduce stress is through the senses and sensory stimulation: a smell, a taste, a sound, an image, caressing or squeezing something; everyone has a trick to relax and calm down. But since each person reacts differently to these stimuli, it is necessary for each one to find those that reassure them and to be able to evoke them or put them into practice when needed.

Emotional awareness: Second fundamental skill to resolve a conflict

Pensive woman due to conflicts with her partner

Emotional awareness is the key to understanding yourself and others. He who does not know how he feels or why he feels that way, will not be able to communicate effectively or resolve conflicts.

Although knowing your own feelings may sound simple, many people ignore certain emotions, such as anger, sadness, and fear. However, the ability to handle conflict depends on being connected to these feelings.

Emotional awareness is a key factor in conflict resolution because it helps to manage one’s feelings appropriately, supporting the basis of the communication process necessary to resolve disagreements.

Emotional awareness helps you understand what is really bothering other people, understand yourself (including what really worries you), stay motivated until conflict is resolved, communicate clearly and effectively, and attract feedback. influence others.

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