Weaving: The Therapeutic Power Of Weaving The Threads

Weaving: the therapeutic power of weaving the threads

Weaving is an ancient activity that remains intact even today. Although for most of human history it has been considered a female job, today more and more men are also engaged in this job. That is why it is not uncommon to find children, youth, adults and older adults, of both genders, learning this art.

It has been shown, through different studies, that this craft has therapeutic effects for those who practice it. Knitting develops motor skills, stimulates concentration and creates spaces for relaxation and meditation. Additionally, it is the basis for building another type of fabric: the social fabric, since it serves as a binding element between people who carry out the same group activity.

The relationship that arises between weavers is so strong that in many countries it has come to be called “wool-therapy”. These groups of people come together to knit to create, to learn about techniques, materials, types of fabrics and patterns. But also to de-stress, weave stories, share experiences and smile at life.

Woman knitting socks

The act of weaving improves our mood

Knitting is a task that we can do anywhere. If we do it alone, we simultaneously enter a state of introspection, reflect, meditate on our deepest thoughts, and enjoy it. If we carry out this activity in a group, we socialize, make new friends and promote sociability. In either case, our brain releases endorphins, which relax us and create a feeling of well-being.


Neuroscience studies conclude that the action of knitting significantly improves brain coordination and concentration. They add that both increase as the degree of complexity of the tissue increases. Additionally, this activity contributes in a revealing way to people with motor or disability problems.

The knitting exercise improves our motor skills. It is useful for people who suffer some type of disability as a result of an injury, a surgery or as a consequence of a disease such as osteoarthritis, arthritis or metacarpal tunnel syndrome.

In these cases, it does not completely eliminate the pain, although it does reduce it significantly. On the other hand, children develop fine motor skills, which results in an increase in manual skills and an appreciable improvement in their writing.

Knitting relaxes and reduces stress. In a time as convulsed as the present, where there is never time for what is really important, performing this activity has been like a re-engineering process with benefits for mental health.

Knitting stimulates creativity

Any manual activity redounds positively in the psychological area. They are practices that stimulate both creativity and imagination. In the case of fabric, it means entering a universe of sensations: the texture, color, smell, softness and warmth of wool have a positive influence on our mind. For this reason it is that during the development of this activity losses can be overcome and problems solved.


Knitting is not a simple hobby, it involves setting goals and achieving objectives. Every achievement, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is rewarding. What comes next can only give us pleasure, such as when we give a family member or someone close to our affections what we have prepared as a gift.

In a recent study, it was found that there are currently more than 35 million people with dementia in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2050 this number will triple. Scientists in various fields recommend manual activities such as tissue to combat the onset of this debilitating condition.

There is something in the fabric that leads us to think that what we need to do is possible, even if it is something difficult, that is when that feeling of time disappears. We forget ourselves and feel that we are part of something much bigger. It is in this fluidity of the mind that the secret of happiness rests to a great extent.

Images courtesy of Sanna´s Knit

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