For The Sisters, Distance Does Not Matter: The Heart Unites Them

For the sisters, the distance does not matter: the heart unites them

For the sisters, neither time nor distance matters. Those faces that share similar gestures and the same way of laughing will once again look at each other with the complicity of always, intuiting everything that the words do not say, and nourishing, once again, that invisible bond that lives in a lasting way in their hearts.

We all know that the sibling relationship is usually a unique and exceptional support system. Our siblings are those family members who, in all probability, will most coexist with us throughout the life cycle.

We share a past, experiences and an emotional legacy that is usually built in a particular way in the case of the sisters. The bond between sisters instantly brings us the echo of those childhood years inhabited by fights over clothes, hating being the oldest or hating being the little one.

According to a study carried out at the University of Illinois,  the relationship between siblings is that first contact that a child has with an equal.  It is an essential thing for parents to keep in mind.

For its part, the most curious thing about the bond between the sisters is that it is usually something complex during the first years of childhood. However, when he matures, that relationship becomes a wonderful pillar, an exceptional alliance. We invite you to delve into the subject.

The sisters, between love and rivalry

Sisters painting their lips

It is important to specify, first of all, that family relationships are very complex entities and have, as usual, their own peculiarities.

This means that, obviously, not all the sisters enjoy this positive and enriching bond. Now, sometimes, overcoming many of these problematic situations also means starting an adequate personal healing process.

There is a very interesting book that delves into precisely this topic. Is Brothers and Sisters Discovering the Psychology of Companionship (Brothers and sisters, and

What can determine the complexity of your relationships

  • The family and educational context in which we grow up can affect the relationship between the sisters ( gender stereotypes, preference of one child over another … )
  • In the early years, the order of birth also raises the odd difference between them. Jealousy may appear, but in turn, a protective instinct of the older sister over the younger sister may also arise.
  • Growing up with sisters means, in turn, going through various cycles where they mature as women, learning from each other. In this way,  little by little, a bond based on complicity, healing and that indisputable support that they offer each other appears and that usually lasts over time.

The sisters give us security, they have faith in our abilities and they remind us of our shortcomings, those that we carry since childhood and that we have not yet transformed.

They are also the ones who give us the best advice and the wisest warnings, those that do not mince words and do not shine for their falsehood or their condescension. They want the best for us. And we always want to have that support, despite the fact that sometimes we discuss and throw ourselves in face of aspects of the past.

Now, in adulthood, our sisters can also make us take on an equally exciting new role: that of uncles and aunts. A moment in which that network of feelings and support widens even more, discovering once again the great treasure of having a sister.

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