5 Behaviors That Make Life More Difficult

Sometimes, our own limitations when managing ourselves become stones in the way of our projects. We give you some keys to recognize them and act differently.
5 behaviors that make life more difficult

Life has its ups and downs. Much of the art of living is learning to manage these variations : good times serve to recharge and move forward; the not so good at learning, growing and rectifying. However, there are behaviors that make life more difficult, unnecessarily. On the contrary, others facilitate even the hardest moments.

The behaviors that make life more difficult often go unnoticed. In principle, they look harmless or neutral, but they are not. These behaviors bring bitterness to good times and bad.

Hence, it is important to learn to identify those behaviors that make life more difficult. Many times these behaviors are just habits of thought and behavior that have not been sufficiently analyzed. We describe five of them below.

Woman thinking

1. Unrealistic expectations

We are fond of impossible wishes, to a greater or lesser extent. Life does not often take a bath of reality, despite or because sometimes we make real efforts to ignore what is evident. A mental action motivated because life without decoration can be drawn as a very arid landscape. Other times because we resist the impossibility of achieving what we want.

Unrealistic expectations are anchorless hopes. Often they are associated with magical ideas: it will happen, it will come, it will be achieved, etc., for unknown reasons. Dreaming, ambition and wanting to go far is very positive. The downside is not turning all of this into a workable roadmap. The result can be enormous frustration.

2. The desire for approval

The desire for approval is one of the behaviors that make life difficult. This behavior occurs when there is a desire to please everyone. What is relegated to the bottom of the priority list are your wants and needs.

Behind this type of behavior there is usually a deep insecurity and the need to contribute to gain affection. Neither one nor the other is solved by becoming something that is not oneself. On the contrary, it is very common for this disposition to please to obtain a rejection as a response. The way out is in learning to love yourself and reaffirm yourself.

3. Lack of self-care

Self-care is a sign of self-love and responsibility with oneself. Protecting physical and mental health, as well as general well-being, makes life easier. This allows you to get in tune with yourself, know yourself, listen to yourself and cultivate yourself.

On the contrary, spending time on everything except yourself leads to deafness in the face of the signals emitted by the body and mind. It also dilutes the most genuine traits of our personality and makes life less interesting.

4. Fear, one of the behaviors that make life more difficult

Fear is one of the most powerful forces that inhabit people. Experiencing it causes great displeasure, but facing it produces important changes in life. Out of fear, great feats can be performed, but at the same time strong blocks can be achieved in action.

Reasonable fear cannot be argued, because it is a force that protects. Fear arising from uncertainty should call for caution, but not for inaction. Instead, the fear that arises from unfounded imaginary is a feeling that must be confronted and overcome. Otherwise life becomes more difficult.

Sad man

5. Lack of serenity

Temperance is a virtue that takes on value in the most delicate moments. Although there are people who have a calmer temperament, it is true that staying calm is also learned.

The starting point for this degree of self-control is self-knowledge. A good activity in this regard is to make a list of unpleasant situations that we might encounter and decide on an answer before they occur.

There are many situations in which passions or impulses lead us to erroneous judgments and maladjusted actions. Likewise, many times we suffer unnecessarily by not being able to calm those inner storms that we all experience at some time. With good emotional self-management tools, everything becomes easier.

Often, without us even being aware of it, the behaviors that make life more difficult go haywire. Freeing ourselves from these limitations makes the road seem clearer and the march less arduous.

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