Promote What You Love, Instead Of Attacking What You Don’t Like

Promote what you love, instead of attacking what you don't like

We tend to complain excessively about the things we do not like and we fantasize about how we would like them to have been or will be … we have that vice. Without realizing it, most of us turn our attention to what we dislike, want to change, or do not share. Thus, our field of vision and attention becomes a detector of negative things.

How bad this dress looks on me !; I shouldn’t have cut my hair; Perhaps, if I had not made that comment, they would have selected me; I dont like this food; What a day I’ve been !; only bad things happen to me; What a boredom !; they don’t count on me …

But, where are the positive things, those that we love and leave us with a good taste in our mouths? It seems that we forget about them more easily …

Focus on what pleases you

If we really look at everything we have achieved, at the details of our day to day (which are there in view, even though we are the ones who hide them under our negativity), we would look at life with another spark … Have you ever tried?

Woman thinking about what she loves

I encourage you to check it out and stop so many regrets and complaints, they really are useless and more if we repeat it so many times …

Although in one way or another, today I propose something different: just for one day, look at what you love, what you like and make you get that smile. 

And no, do not tell me that there is nothing, or that your life is boring or that you do not get out of the routine, because even in it, there are incredible gestures, sensations, situations and fascinating people. You just have to check it out.

You can carry it out in any area of ​​your life such as your work, your relationship with your partner, your relationship with your children or friends, and above all, please, with yourself. No need to wait for a special occasion, you can start right now.

girls with floral relief

Change your perspective and get to know yourself more

Shifting your focus from the negative, what you lack or dislike to what you love, will cost you at first. It is normal, so many years with the predilection to look at what you do not like, mistakes or failures, that your mind will redirect you to what it is used to, you have made it a habit. But it is a matter of time, effort and desire.

In addition, you will get the benefit of knowing yourself a little more, or has it ever happened to you, that you don’t even know exactly what you like, but you do know exactly what you don’t? Well, dare to discover it and discover yourself!

Woman receiving light

Looking at the things that you do not like for so long, the only thing you can achieve is to lower your self-esteem if they are in relation to you, lose confidence and interest in others if it has something to do with them or even reduce your will to live or lose the meaning of your life.

In the end you will end up believing it so much, that there will be nothing else around you. Rather, you will not look at anything else, even if you are surrounded by pleasant things … Therefore, what do you like about yourself? What do you like about others? What do you like about life? What do you like about yourself? of your relationship?

Once detected, start promoting them, believing in them, stopping your attention when they happen in your day-to-day life. Because much more is gained when we promote what we love, than when we attack what we do not like and if not, check it …

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