The 10 Spiritual Kingdoms In Zen Buddhism

Buddhists speak of the 10 spiritual realms to refer to different states of mind. Four of them correspond to evolved levels of consciousness, while the other six would be characteristic of non-evolved.
The 10 Spiritual Realms in Zen Buddhism

According to Buddhist cosmology, there are 10 spiritual realms that amount to 10 different states of mind. These states make the mind subject to certain feelings in each of them; in other words, that certain aspects predominate at all times.

Buddhists point out that the 10 spiritual realms are not the same. There are four that are considered as higher states and six that are classified as lower. The higher states are characterized because what prevails is the voluntary search, the desire for discovery and improvement.

In the case of lower states, what prevails is a reaction to the external world. They are states of mind in which existence is fully influenced by the environment. They do not lead to evolution, but to suffering. Let’s see what the 10 spiritual realms are as a whole.

Buddha figure

1. Learning

It is also known as the state of “those who hear the voice.” It corresponds to those who observe reality, want to know more about it and are open to discovering the truth and understanding it.

However, in this state, which is one of the 10 higher spiritual realms, the external is still dependent. The truth is sought through what the senses capture  or what others say.

2. Realization

This is the second of the 10 spiritual kingdoms and it is known by the name of “those awakened to the cause.”

It corresponds to a greater degree of autonomy, in which, thanks to one’s own observation, effort and meditation, it  is possible to become aware of the cause of things. That is, the law of cause and effect is understood, and the way it is materialized.

3. Bodhisattva

The word Bodhisattva refers to the state of mind in which enlightenment is achieved , mainly through compassion and altruism.

There is a genuine desire to free other people from suffering and lead them to enlightenment as well. In this state, giving and helping are a source of happiness and peace.

4. Buddhahood, one of the 10 spiritual realms

Buddhahood, or the state of the Buddha, is the highest of the 10 spiritual realms. It is also the highest degree of nobility and the one that identifies those who have reached an authentic awakening.

It is a state of  absolute inner peace , which cannot be altered by any external circumstance. It is characterized by unlimited wisdom and mercy.

5. Hell

Hell is the lowest state of the 10 spiritual realms. It corresponds to a state of mind in which there is an absolute lack of freedom.

In some cases, it has to do with the total burden of suffering that has someone trapped. In other cases, it is associated with hatred and destructive feelings, which bind and suffocate those who experience them.

6. Hunger

In the realm of hunger, unsatisfied desires prevail, which, in a way, is a pleonasm. If there is desire, it is because there is no satisfaction. Thus, whoever wishes is condemned to feel lacking.

The “hunger”, in a symbolic sense, leads to feeling miserable and to adopt a voracious behavior. If desires are creatively transformed, the will to be better appears.

7. Animality

What characterizes the state of animality is the obtaining of immediate and irrational satisfactions. What dominates is instinct or impulse, not reason, not the heart.

Animals fear the powerful and abuse the weak. They also make life look like a struggle to survive, rather than as a space to grow. If animality evolves, it becomes loyalty and generosity.

8. Anger

It is also called the Kingdom of the Asuras and its main characteristic is competitiveness. In anger there is a tendency to compare oneself with others, always with the desire or intention to be above.

Those in this state are arrogant towards the weakest and sycophantic towards the most powerful. In this case there is a degree of consciousness, but it is used slyly for selfish purposes. If it evolves, it leads to autonomy.

Angry woman

9. Humanity

In this state there is the capacity for reasoning and, therefore, also the possibility of differentiating what is right and what is wrong.

Likewise, there is mastery of behavior. It is characterized by the prevalence of passion for abstract ideals and vulnerability to negative influences from the environment. There is also potential for moving to a higher state.

10. Ecstasy

It is also called the state of celestial beings. It is characterized by the pleasure and happiness of satisfying desires and obtaining what you want. However, this happiness is temporary.

It differs from the happiness of enlightenment precisely because it is temporary and because it depends on external and little controllable circumstances. There are no negative emotions, but this is also temporary.

It should be clarified that the 10 spiritual realms are not located in a continuous one-dimensional line, that is, they do not go from one state to another in a linear way. It is possible to move back and forth in these states of mind, although in each one of them usually predominates.

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