I Want To Live Everything

I want to live everything

If we think about it, life is two days so … Why don’t we try to live all the good it offers us? Why don’t we look for the good in life? … Why don’t we seize opportunities with strength and without fear?

Let’s learn to live everything without missing anything. Thus, when we are old people, we will rejoice in all the experiences that we knew how to hunt as the best of hunters. So when we no longer have the strength to catch the sun or the moon with our hands we will say, but… I did everything I wanted and I proposed myself while I was young and had the strength and courage to live!

Happy and successful woman

I want to live everything

I want to live everything, without fear, without absurd suffering. I want to know love, I want to enjoy the little ones and the great pleasures of life; I want to laugh at a good joke or brighten my day with the smile of a child. I don’t want anything to escape me, I don’t want to miss anything.

After many years and many experiences and experiences that have occurred in my life, I have understood that life is fast, it is fleeting, that we are just passing through here.  Life is two days and why do I spend those two days worried, sad, angry or complaining?

From now on I want my days to be good, to be new, because how important is it that yesterday was not a good day, that it was cloudy and that I was sad? Today I don’t want to think about yesterday, I don’t want negative thoughts to flood my life.

How to live everything without letting anything escape

Living everything without anything escaping you is possible, as long as you acquire certain habits that allow you to live life in a more conscious and now-centered way. Go for it!

1. Take advantage of every new moment that life gives you

Be aware of the small and big moments that you are living, make the most of them, enjoy them without thinking about tomorrow. Are you surrounded by your people enjoying themselves in a cafeteria laughing? Be aware and enjoy it. Have you received a nice letter today? Take advantage of the good times, the bad ones come alone.

2. Change the chip, why are you stupidly bitter?

Why don’t you change the chic? Have things gone wrong for you today? Tomorrow a different new day begins. Have you had problems with friends or at work? Do not give it importance, life is like a game in which you have to go around small and not so small obstacles. Face them bravely and be proud to have surpassed them.

3. Find the things you like

Do you like sports, playing an instrument, listening to loud music, going to a concert, smelling the sea, enjoying the laughter of a child? Don’t wait for…. “I’ll do it” or “let’s see if I’m lucky and it gets to me,” look for it. Launch yourself in search of what you are passionate about and do it, you have nothing to lose …

Woman forming a heart

4. Don’t let new things happen, you promote them

Do you want to fall in love? Do you want new friends to appear who bring you positive things? Why don’t you try to find them yourself? If we do our part, if we look for it, we have a better chance of reaching us. They will certainly not arrive sitting on our sofa.

5. Enjoy the little pleasures of everyday life

Be aware that you can breathe, smell, smile, taste … So laugh, eat a good chocolate cake, enjoy the smell of fresh coffee, listen to the sound of the sea. Live and fully experience every little pleasure in your day-to-day life.

6. Learn to live everything as a child

Have you noticed how children live? They live in the moment, they do not think about tomorrow, they laugh, they enjoy to the fullest when they are happy … as if there were no tomorrow and without thinking about anything else; when they fall, they cry for a while, they stop laughing again with another adventure. Why don’t we learn their spontaneity from children?

7. Enjoy positive seniors

Has it ever happened to you that when you were most worried you have talked to your grandfather and he has given you a life lesson through some of his youth stories, with a moral included? Grandparents are a well of wisdom, they know life, they know its secrets … They are capable of bringing you many things. Surround yourself with them.

Moral:  “Carpe Diem”, take the day! … Seize the moment, that the bad guys are coming alone. Remember that happiness is an attitude, so you can always build it. And for starters, why not this song blasting out?

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