The Poetry Of Life

The poetry of life

The simple flight of a white plastic bag by the action of the wind can show the exciting poetry of life. To prove it, you just have to take a look at the magnificent film directed by Sam Mendes in 1999 called “American Beauty”.

If we do a little memory, we can remember the character called Ricky Fitts, played masterfully by actor Wes Bentley, who records everything that seems mundane and boring, like the flight of a bag itself, a scene that we see a couple of times at the time. length of the footage.

However, in something as simple as a piece of plastic blown by the wind, the precious poetry of life can be discovered if the eyes that look at it have a tinge of passion, emotion, sentimentality and love for the environment that surrounds us.

The poetry of life and simplicity

Many people need to be inspired by great events to make poetry of life. The wild and tragic romanticism of poets like Becquer, Espronceda or Lord Byron during the 19th century is a good example of this.

However, other poets with no less talent have amply demonstrated that in the simplicity of what surrounds us there can be an enormous poetry of life. It all depends on the tone you use and the significance you bring.

Dry leaf of a tree on water

If we think of Rafael Alberti, for example, is there something more banal than a sailor, a tram or a pigeon? However, this great poet was able to find beauty and lyrical elements as simple and everyday as those named.

But Alberti was not the only poet who knew how to see the wonderful lyrics that can be hidden behind any mundane element of this world. Another like the eternal Miguel Hernández was able to compose precious verses thanks to a simple and simple onion.

Fortunately, dozens of great creators discovered and shared their talent to show us that simplicity is full of poetry. Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca or the nice Gloria Fuertes are capable of moving us with carousels or spiders.

The poetry of life in art

If we look around us, we can find poetry of life everywhere. A reality that art has shown us over and over again through works that have transcended the history of humanity itself.

A fact as simple and mundane as an “Old Woman Frying Eggs” can come to the mind of any person, which the brilliant painter Diego Velázquez transformed into an immortal and wonderful work capable of moving all kinds of hearts.


A man who loses the north and confuses reality with chivalric fantasy gave rise to one of the greatest works of world literature, “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes. How can there be so much fun and tragedy in the confusion of a windmill with a giant?

Film directors like David Lynch have turned into poetry such mundane situations as a factory running at full speed, the lighting of a cigar, a traffic accident or the investigation of a murder.

Can something as simple as a flute be the subject of one of the most beautiful operas in history? This is how Mozart let us know when composing “The Magic Flute”, ensuring that the same specialists do not agree on its true underlying argument, but showing a really beautiful simple fairy tale.

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The poetry of life are everywhere

Of course, we are not all Mozart, Machado, Alberti, Velázquez or Cervantes. However, we do have the ability to observe and enjoy the poetry of life in everything simple that surrounds us, even if we do not have the ability to translate it later.

However, enjoying what is around us and making existence something special is pure poetry of life. To do this, there is nothing like expanding our horizons and going a little further, enjoying an environment that, seen with the right eyes, can be more beautiful than mundane.

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