Tell Me How You Act And I’ll Tell You What You’ve Been Through

Tell me how you act and I'll tell you what you've lived through

Both you and I and the rest of the world are different. You carry your little big story inside, the others carry theirs and I carry mine and, regardless of knowing it or not, we feel that our own is much more real than the others. What you may not know is that the way you act speaks volumes about what you have experienced.

Exactly, unconsciously, we magnify what we have lived and we diminish what we have not: I have understood as I have grown that we are what we have lived and that, therefore, we act coherently with it. When we know what things and facts mean is when we really give them the value they have.

You know me when you understand what I have behind

For the same reason that we speak without knowing about many of the issues on which we are given the opportunity, we dare to comment on other people without knowing them. That is to say, we speak, we express our opinions and we even judge because we have not experienced it, because the situation has not touched our own skin.

Girls with costumes

For all this, I can only know who someone really is if they undress with me and act with all their essence: above anything else, their way of behaving, speaking, knowing how to place yourself in certain situations, how you act, is the best way that he has to teach me what forms him as a person.

The truth is that even when we do nothing, something happens to us. It is something like that life does not give us the opportunity not to live it: it happens and if you do not follow it, it drags you. We cannot stop living things and we cannot decide that nothing happens to us. What we can do is represent our learning with our actions: you act and let them know you for it.


The way we act makes us different because we live and feel differently

Fortunately or unfortunately in our lives we remember moments and situations that mark us forever and, rightly, these are the ones that when we leave them or are forced to leave, transform us. Those little great things that mark us a point in our history are the ones that teach us and the ones that have become individual learning paths.

On many occasions these learning paths depend on the will and the claw that we manage to put to life, also to the consequences of our actions, to a little luck and courage, to some external help, etc. However, that is what we are and depending on what we are, we behave. 

Children playing

This inherent trait is reflected very well in what you  are, what you do and what you think, and if they are not compatible, you are not credible. Obviously not, because we cannot let go of all that we carry inside, that makes us different and that we can only feel ourselves in a certain way. Our emotions make us unique and the root from which they arise as well.

Prudence is a great friend

The emotions we were talking about are some of the most delicate nuances that we have so, whenever we want to approach someone and understand them, the best tool is prudence. Prudence towards others is so necessary because of what you act by putting yourself in the place of the other, changing perspectives.

We never know what we will be able to find behind others because most of the time we stay on the surface of their behavior, not wanting to realize that there are more things that we do not see and what we should pay attention to. How you act speaks of you, but it is not everything.

If we go further, if we look from other perspectives we could find great people that we would not think we were at first. This is the beauty of meeting without looking for us: knowing us, letting us see and understand each other. Knowing everything that we have experienced separately, unites us.

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